Wednesday, July 24, 2019


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1 1-3: Here this, all you Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and whoever else thinks Jesus isn’t God, the second in the trinity, including Muslims who think He was just a prophet.

Here these verses, also, those who for instance say Jesus was just one of many avatars of God. Hear it all you new agers who think many Jesuses and other deities have appeared to men since Jesus was on Earth.

Also, this passage isn't teaching a cessationist view that God would no longer speak to man. We know this because this letter was written thirty years before the Book of Revelation. Rather, this passage is meant to guard against, as stated above, those who claim they have been spoken to by God a message that actually contradicts the Bible. God still gives people personal guidance and He still gives prophecies and tongues to His people.

v3: I want to focus on the phrase "and upholding all things by the word of His power."

The main thing these evolutionists can't figure out is, what, at a basic level, holds the universe together? This phrase in this verse tells us that God keeps things together, literally.

* 1 4-14: Here this, all you Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses who believe Michael the archangel is also Jesus.

Here this also all you so-called Christians who worship or give undue attention to angels.

Here this also all you new agers who worship and pray to angels.

Here this also all you ordinary people, who collect angels, wear and give others angel pins and who even get angel tattoos.

Continue to heed God’s words, all the groups mentioned above.

V4: Miracles still confirm the Word today. God’s Word is living and active. If the miracles ceased after the Bible was completed, then many things in the Bible become stuff that happened to people long ago, thus rendering many Biblical passages of the Bible irrelevant and dead, thus rendering the whole Bible dead according to the uniformity of the Bible which the Bible itself testifies to. (“All Scripture is inspired by God…”

2 6-8: Hear this, all you who worship man, who have made idols out of professional athletes, pop stars, those who are famous for being famous, actors and actresses, preachers (both famous and not), and even those who have made idols out of friends, family members, teachers, bosses, coaches, and even spouses and children. Rather, look to the One discussed in verse 9.

V14-15: Take comfort, be encouraged and draw strength from these verses, all Christians who are bound with fears and phobias.

v18: In the wilderness, Christ was tempted in the three areas in which Satan tempts people: the lust of the flesh; the lust of the eye and the pride of life.

Hear this, those of the Jewish people who are sincerely seeking to follow God.

v6: It is not enough for a Christian to have "believed at one time." We have to walk with Christ and endure to the end of our earthly lives. We may stumble, but we have to keep running the race.

Hebrews 4

Pay attention to this chapter, especially verse 10, all you Christians who are trying to earn your way to Heaven and who view God as harsh and looking to kick you out of His kingdom if you slip up in the least. The good works we do flow out of our faith in Him.

Hebrews 4 1-11: The early church fathers taught the Six Day Theory: God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, likewise, God created the world 4 thousand years before Christ, and, two millennia after the birth of Christ, that is, after a total of 6 thousand years, Christ will return to rule and reign for a thousand years as 1 Peter says. This is the key to understanding the elapse of time itself.

Hebrews 5

Hear this, all you Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and Coptic Christians.

* Hebrews 6

Hebrews 6 2: Baptism is necessary for salvation. (See Acts 2 38)

Laying on of hands refers to healing.

The doctrines mentioned in verses 1 and 2 were considered the basics in the early church. Nowadays, certain Christians, such as many Baptists as well as those from other denominations, don’t even believe in baptism for the remission of sins or healing.

Hebrews 6 4-8: It is argued that the Greek word translated “fallen away” actually means “fallen aside.” Thus, Christians can never lose their salvation: they just won’t run the race nearly as well as they could have.

While I won’t argue there are those believers who could be described as fallen aside, there have also been believers who have fallen away. To be clear, you indeed can’t lose your salvation: you take yourself out of salvation. (See Charles Templeton and the guy in “Into the Wild” who renounced his faith after learning of Chris McCandless’s death.)

Also, much of the time fallen aside and fallen away is the same difference. If you’ve fallen aside, you will eventually, of your own will, give up your faith in God entirely, unless you mend your ways and come to repentance before that happens of course.

Hebrews 6 10-13: Hear this, all you Christians who think being a Christian involves doing nothing for God. Additionally, read 2 Corinthians.

Here this, all you in the United Church of Canada who don’t think Jesus actually rose from the dead. He died on the cross, but this chapter says He lives today as our high priest. Figure that one out. (See also 13 20.)

Also hear this all who believe along the lines of what was taught in “The Da Vincy Code.”

Hear this, all you who think Christianity is about going to a meeting at a building every week.

Hear this also all you Judaizers, especially those of you who perform animal sacrifices. May God grant you repentance, because doing that sounds almost this close to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to me.

Hear this, all you Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Lutherans, and anyone else who believes in transubstantiation.

Be comforted, strengthened, emboldened, and encouraged, all you God’s people who are bound by the guilt of past and present sin.

V25: The modern-day churches are forsaking the assembling together. Christians all worship the same Lord, but they’ve separated themselves off into tens of thousands of different denominations and churches.

V26-31: For an explanation of these verses, see my commentary on the similar passage in chapter 6 above.

V32-34: Hear this, any of you Christians who think that, if fellow Christians are suffering, it’s all down to God punishing them for sin.

* Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11 1: Do you have faith you are able to go to the store and purchase a chocolate bar? No you don’t because with your natural senses you can see the chocolate bar on the shelf, see the price tag, count the change in your wallet, do the math, bring the chocolate bar to the counter and pay for it. The definition of faith here is the opposite of that.

V3: Hear this, all you Christians who believe in evolution.

V4: Hear this, all you pagans.

V6: Here this, you people who believe you should get into Heaven because you are a good person, not that bad a person, or because you’ve done your best to live a good life.

V17-19: Here this, Seth McFarlane and all you other unbelievers who mock and scoff at the story of Abraham offering up Isaac.

There are a few different interpretations of Hebrews 12 1. Some say the Old Testament figures and saints can see us from Heaven and are cheering us on. I think this is likely. Another interpretation is that since we have all these wonderful examples of Biblical heroes we should live up to them because they were so cool. This has some merit but it is not an interpretation that I put first and foremost. Still others say that since we have all the examples of people who have had faith in God, we need to learn from their examples and apply it to our lives. They didn't let adversity make them fall away and we shouldn't either. I think this is a very good interpretation.

For instance, we have the example of somebody like Moses. Moses could have had all the drunken parties and women and become puffed up with prideful accolades. He possibly could have been the most important man in the world. If I were him, I would have thought, "Gee, my ancestor Joseph was the second most important person in the world, being Pharaoh's Prime Minister and Egypt being the world empire at the time. I'm an heir to the Egyptian throne through adoption by Pharaoh's daughter. It would be quite something for me to become the ruler of the world. I mean, there would be ways to glorify and honour God through doing so, right. I mean, my people are one thing, but the entire world, and everything that comes with it, is the entire world, right?"

Instead, Moses forsook all that sinful life to rescue his people. Incidentally, Moses could have ruled the world, but instead he codified the set of laws which should govern the world.

Therefore, since we have the example of someone like Moses who by faith forsook sin and obeyed God, doing such great things for Him, we shouldn't let sin rule in our lives. It's quite easy to say in the split seconds of the moment, "I don't care about eternity. I'll do this thing or look at this thing or think this thought anyway." "I know I should get serious about this sin, but there are just these things in my past and ha ha it just seems like something I can never seem to beat. Oh well, ho hum."

This should not be our attitude. We need to walk by faith in these matters.

Hebrews 12 2: Hear this, Moslems who think someone else substituted for Jesus on the cross.

Hebrews 12 8: When we do something wrong, even if we're not Christians, we feel guilty. Yet there is a group of people in the world who do not have this reaction. They have no conscience. They are termed "bastards" in this verse. (Hence the reason I use that word on this blog.)

Hebrews 13 4: In this verse we have the rejection of three prominent worldly ideas.

First, the idea that marriage is an outdated and silly institution. In fact, marriage is an honourable thing.

By the way, pay attention to the phrase “in all”, all you Catholics who think clergy should be unmarried.

Second, the idea that sex, even in its proper context, is a dirty, shameful thing.

Third, the idea that all sex, even sex for money and extramarital sex is perfectly fine and even beneficial.

Hebrews 13 7: The elders in the early church were more like guides and not the separate class of clergy we have in the church today.

Don’t get me wrong: I have great respect for the men who have studied Greek and Hebrew at seminary and provide good teaching and interpretation of the Word of God. However, I will not align myself with any particular church or denomination to be spoon-fed the Bible by someone who has more authority placed in him by his people than he ought to.

Hebrews 13 8: I'm glad God doesn't change. That was the thing with the gods of Greek mythology (and other religions): they're capricious. They might say they'll do something for somebody one minute, then get annoyed about something and flood that person's village.

Hebrews 13 9: Hear this all you Seventh-day Adventists and other Christians who teach the food laws are still in effect.

Hebrews 9 15: Hear this, all you so-called Christians who think all you have to do is go to church on Sunday and that’s it.

Hebrews 13 17: Again, the elders in the early church were more like guides. They didn’t exactly “rule over” the other believers in our modern sense of the word. They weren’t the ego-tripping, endoctrinating, cults of personality we have for ministers today.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


By Michael Moore. New York: Crown, 1996.

Let’s All Hop in a Ryder Truck

It is well worth looking into the truth about the Oklahoma City bombing, and the evidence for the FBI’s involvement therein.

Would Pat Buchanan Take a Cheque From Satan?

Watch “The Secret Right Volume 1” for information on an organization Pat Buchanan is a part of, the Counsel for National Policy.

“Don’t Vote-It Only Encourages Them”

The kind of politicians we have to vote for is ultimately determined by the spiritual condition of the people who make up the nation.

Democrat? Republican? Can You Tell the Difference?

This is the only truly good chapter in the book.

Not on the Mayflower? Then Leave!

First of all, most immigrants in the past have come to the United States (and Canada) legally.

Also, up through the Ellis Island era, immigrants were coming to supply workers the country didn’t have. The immigrants before them were actually settlers, people who had come to literally build the young country.

Nowadays, we have immigrants (certainly not all of them, but a lot) who come to North America to take advantage of social programs.

They also undercut the job market. Americans would do the jobs leftists claim they don’t want to do, but for proper wages and fair working hours.

Hey, Michael Moore, how about encouraging the Hollywood types you hang out with to hire people from the poorer areas of America to come work as the maids and gardeners to said rich Hollywood leftists?

Incidentally, it’s interesting he mentions Martina Navratilova, who, 23 years later, is now regarded by the left as an enemy for her stance on transgender athletes.

In fact, since it will increase the hit count, I will now list all the immigrants in the list at the end of this chapter who have died since the publication of “Downsize This!”

Most of these people probably immigrated to the U.S. legally, including coming over on visas and later taking out citizenship. Hardly the same thing as a hoard of Central Americans barging across the border.

The following people from the list are dead:

Clive Barnes;
Saul Bellow;
Liz Claiborne;
Peter Jennings;
Mike Nichols;
I.                    M. Pei;
General John Shalikashvili;
Elizabeth Taylor;
Alex Trotman;
Elie Wiesel;
Billy Wilder

It is also worth noting that, while not an immigrant, Ross Perot died while I was reading this book.

Big Welfare Mamas

I actually quite agree the issue of corporate welfare is a big problem. However, someone has to provide some objectivity to this thing.

Daniel M. Tellep: Did Lockheed pay back the $250 million federal emergency loan?

Firings often occur when mergers take place because two companies that were formerly each doing the same thing have now become one company, thus you now have redundancy.

What about the other $27 million of the federal government payment?

One could argue a lot of the “welfare payments” listed amounted to smart political moves as Lockheed Martin does so much business with the U.S. Department of Defense.

Dwayne O. Andreas: Dwayne O. Andreas has died since this book was written.

Helmut Werner: It could be argued Alabama’s incentives to Mercedes-Benz were necessary because of the economic benefits of the factory being built there. Probably the reason Alabama was facing across-the-board budget cuts was because they’ve been screwed over by the federal government, which has been happening ever since Reconstruction.

Incidentally, Helmut Werner has died since this book was written.

Edward A. Brennan: Personally, I think Sears would have been better to move out of Illinois.

Since the writing of this book, Edward A. Brennan has died.

Art Modell: Read “The Fix is In” by Brian Tuohy to find out how little owners care about the cities their teams are currently located, as well as a whole lot more interesting stuff.

Like all but one of the other welfare mamas profiled in this chapter, Art Modell died after this book was written.

Let’s Dump on Orange County

I wonder how many members of a certain tribe were responsible for Orange County going bankrupt?

How to Conduct the Rodney King Commemorative Riot

Moore’s characterization of white men-the same kinds of people he says he cares about and is trying to help is exactly the kind of attitude that got Trump elected in the first place.

Incidentally, since “Downsize This!” was written, Rodney King has gone on to whatever he has gone on to.

Pagan Babies

Hey, Michael, along with encouraging Hollywood stars and executives to adopt poor, white Americans as workers for good wages and fair hours, how about helping to establish colleges in the poor parts of the country to retrain unemployed Americans to do the jobs the immigrants are currently doing.

Germany Still Hasn’t Paid for Its Sins-And I Intend to Collect

This fat hypocrite admits this kind of thinking after World War I was what led up to the Second, but he wants to go ahead with it anyway. After all, all money has to come from somewhere.

So You Want to Kill the President!

I’m sure there are plenty of grounds for jailing you and your fellow lefties for things you’ve said about conservatives.

Show Trials I’d Like to See

“The People versus Saturday Night Live”: Has “Saturday Night Live” ever actually been truly good, even in the era of the Not Ready For Prime Time Players?

“The People versus Senator Strom Thurmond”: I’d like to see “The People versus All The Propagandists Who Said Homosexuality Was Fine And Just An Alternative Lifestyle.” The defendants would be people like Michael Moore and his cronies, as well as the heads of the leading lgbt organizations (who, by the way, I’m told, are all members of a certain tribe), as well as several past and present politicians from governments all over the world. The plaintiffs would be loved ones of homosexuals who have committed suicide, died of alcoholism and drug addiction, been murdered by abusive partners, or who’ve died of AIDS and other such diseases, and of homosexuals who have or are currently experiencing these consequences of being told this by the defendants and thus acting on their attractions to other men or women.

Depending on how pathetic the defendants sounded, they may or may not get to finish speaking up for themselves before they were literally stoned to death in public by the plaintifs.

Incidentally, since “Downsize This!” was published, Strom Thurmond has gone for his dirt nap.

If Clinton Had Balls

Since everyone is thinking it anyway, I’m going to make the obvious joke: Ever since the release of the Starr report, we know he does.

Honestly, when a guy is as rotted out with scandal as “Slick Willie” and is even alleged to have raped women and to have fathered a son by a black prostitute he refuses to acknowledge, could we not just treat this guy like those homosexual propagandists I mentioned above? (Read Chris Anderson’s “Bill and Hillary: the marriage” for more on this topic.

Steve Forbes Was an Alien

There are Aliens Among Us. Order the series from Scriptures For America if you don’t believe me.

Corporate Crooks Trading Cards

William S. Stavropoulos: If a certain tribe, through their media, didn’t tell women they had to look a certain way in order to conform to the standard of beauty that tribe put forth to them, than far fewer women would have been harmed by silicone breast implants.

David H. Hoag: Cleveland probably felt obligated to help LTV in 1986 because they were such a large employer. It could be argued that by 1993, market and/or other conditions had changed making it necessary for LTV to do what it did then. A corporation doesn’t technically owe any abstract thing, such as gratitude, to anyone.

David H. Hoag is another person who has begun pushing up daisies since this book was written.

Phil Knight: It could be argued that outsourcing work to the factory contracted to make shoes for Nike has helped boost the living standards of those in developing countries.

It could also be argued that the costly endorsements of people like Michael Jordan are necisary for Nike to be Nike-though I bet they wish Colin Kaepernick wasn’t involved in their advertising anymore.

Ralph S. Larsen: This man also got dead since 1996.

Why are Union Leaders So F***ing Stupid?

I would like to take this opportunity to complain about some public unions.

In the spring of 1997, the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) went on strike, thus meaning students of the W. Ross Macdonald School for the Blind couldn’t attend till it was over.

In 2002, OPSEU went on strike again.

In the fall of 1997, the public school teachers in Ontario went on strike and the teachers in the Separate school board (which included WRMS as well as the schools for the deaf in Ontario) threatened to go on strike, it being averted at the last minute.

In the spring of 1999, the Separate schoolteachers threatened to strike again, taking work to rule action. The strike was averted just before the beginning of the 1999/2000 school year.

During the 2012/2013 school year, the public school teachers staged walk-outs and worked to rule.

In the winter of 2004, Ontario’s college teachers threatened to go on strike, it being averted.

In 2006, the college teachers did go on strike and did the same thing just a couple years ago.

Parents do not send their kids to school, and students do not pay good money to attend college or university, so you unions can threaten to walk off the job and pull various other shananigans all the time.

Balance the Budget? Balance My Checkbook!

Read Deuteronomy 28 for greater insight into why are nation is having the problems it is.

Mike’s Penal Systems, Inc.

It would appear the U.S. is now doing away with private prisons.

Mandate? What Mandate?

Too bad Michael Moore’s reaction to the Republicans taking the house in 1994 wasn’t fatal.

“Our country was going to be dismantled by these wide-eyed zealots.”

And you aren’t a zealot?

“So you could say that just one person brought on the entire mean-spirited Engler revolution in Michigan.”

Takes one to know one.

We had 78 percent voter turn-out in the last Canadian federal election and look who we got in office as a result.

My Forbidden Love for Hillary

Telling women they should like Hillary Clinton because they should be in favour of what she is in favour sounds pretty sexist to me.

A Sperm’s Right to Life

Now we come to another one of Moore’s frequent specious arguments.

Neither a sperm nor an egg by themselves can make a human being. Only when the sperm and egg have joined and adhered to the wall of the uterus can this happen. From that point on, what we have, whether in the embryonic or fetal stage, is a human being in its developmental stages.

Capital punishment for all women who have abortions. Then jerkwads like Moore would accuse us Christians of being hypocritical and not showing mercy.

Rather than execute mothers who’ve had abortions, I personally think we should execute propagandists like Michael Moore and those at the head of the abortion movement who deceive women into thinking having an abortion is not all that much more of an invasive or difficult procedure than having a wart removed. Afterwords, when the women are bleeding copiously or having nightmares or on antidepressants or can’t go to their dentist because the drill reminds them of the vacuum used to abort the baby, they then know the truth.

I would definitely support executing those people, as well as those who perform abortions knowing all the potential side effects it has.

Actually, abortion is an antiwoman practice that seeks to control women and keep them in their place. Watch “The Feminist Case Against Abortion” for more on this.

Let’s Pick a New Enemy!

“Canadian Bacon” is an awesome movie, so Michael Moore has at least done one good thing in his life.

Since this book was written, the U.S. has invaded Libya (under the presidency of a black democrat and with Hillary Clinton as secretary of state) and Muammar Khaddafi has been murdered as a result.

The U.s. and Canada may be headed toward some kind of hot or cold conflict with China, what with all this trade war and other business-related stuff.

The Zionist crypto-Jew Donald Trump may take the States to war against Iran.

Iraq. “Done that.” Well, 1996 Michael Moore, you guys did it again, twice if you count the fight against ISIS as a separate conflict, the latter of which finally got Canada to send some troops over there which you Americans had been wanting us to do since 2002.

North Korea: Depends what minute it is.

Since the putting forth of this book, Kim Il Sung’s son was chosen as leader, died (possibly as a result of being murdered) and was replaced by Kim’s grandson.

Switzerland: Nah, too many guns. There’s a reason why they’ve always remained neutral.

Burkina Faso: You never know. Seems like there’s a new war or a rumour of one every day in the second decade of the twenty-first century.

Those Keystone Cubans

Read “I Will Die Free” by Noble Alexander to learn just what a truly horrible person Fidel Castro was.

Since Moore spewed out this publication, Fidel Castro has been given the divine death penalty.

What America Needs is a Makeover

“Ever since I can remember, the United States has not been a very popular country. Take a poll, from Zimbabwe to Uruguay, and for some unexplained reason you’ll find that other people just hate our guts.”

Which I guess is why so many people from other countries are currently streaming across the U.S.’s southern border, eh Mike? Or it could just be the social programs.

O.J. is Innocent

No, he wasn’t and I’m glad he finally went to prison.

The “Liddy Problem”

Read “The New Babylon” by Michael Collins Piper.

I Try to Commit Bob Dornan

Rock and roll songs (at least a lot of the most popular ones) do have satanic messages in them. Visit Good Fight Ministries to find out more.

Since this book was published, Gerald Solomon and Helen Chenowith have both died.

Skip the Candidates-Vote for the Lobbyists!

I think Willis Carto of Liberty Lobby should have been president.

Harassing Gays for Extra Credit

I seriously think Westboro Baptist Church is actually a front for the LGBT movement and was planted to make those who are against homosexuality look bad.

It would be cool if high school students could get extra credit, community service hours or co-op placements working at a repairative therapy clinic; a place that lovingly reaches out to the lgbt community and helps deliver them from the terrible deathstyle of homosexuality.

Since the publication of this book, Fred Felps has gone on to be with someone.

Take That Pen Out of Bob Dole’s Hand

Watch Jeff Censored on YouTube.

Free Us, Nelson Mandela!

Look up “Nelson Mandela necklacing” and “Nelson Mandela terrorist activity.”

NAFTA’s Great! Let’s Move Washington to Tijuana!

Donald Trump is bringing jobs back to the United States and Michael Moore still hates him.

Why Doesn’t GM Sell Crack?

Listen to The Republic Broadcasting Network for a wide variety of perspectives and truth you won’t hear anywhere else.

I Want My Tax Break or I’m Leaving

Check out “The American Awakening” with Michael Herzog.

Mike’s Militia

Check out Deeana Spingola’s website.

Update: As of March 2, 2020, Jack Welch has met his maker.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


I met Amelia in grade 9. We had a class together and we became friends, the way you do in high school.

We became such good friends because we’d both decided to start doing drugs very heavily a little while before we met.

Neither of our parents really cared what we did-which sounds cool but was actually horrible because Amelia and I craved structure and discipline.

We spent most of our time high on drugs so I don’t actually remember that much about our friendship. I do, however, remember the time we went to New York together. Amelia’s older sister had an apartment in a housing project out there and we visited her one weekend.

The Friday night, Amelia and I were standing on the fire escape, high as usual, and we kissed, passionately, because of course due to all the homosexual propaganda we’d been fed in the nineties we didn’t know what orientation we were. After we kissed, we just stood there for a moment, then the black guys who lived above Amelia’s sister climbed down their fire escape onto ours and beat us up.

After about a year, Amelia and I drifted apart. She started to get more into demolition durbies and I started to get more into self-loathing.

I see Amelia once a year, when I go to visit her grave. Let’s just say she never lost her interest in drugs and she died in a gutter some years ago, I can’t remember when exactly.

That’s another thing. People constantly tell me all the drugs I did back when I was friends with Amelia affected my brain in quite an adverse way. As far as I’m concerned, I can still count to one and that’s all that matters.