Criminals have been impowered over their victims.
Satan's way: the good people are muzzled and blindfolded. Say bye-bye to the police who are mostly good and obey the criminals who are all bad.
If Floyd had been killed by someone he tried to rob after forcing his way into their home at gunpoint would we still be hearing his name if the homeowner were black?
Chauvan was charged and convicgted because of the fear of the insanity we try to keep at a six foot distance that we have now allowed to creep a little closer. The monster under your child's bed will only get scarier, more real and far more dangerous.
Without the police, more people of all colours will die.
If the Chauvan conviction is overturned, then the Floyd family owes the people their 27 million dollars back.
President Ping of China, president Biden of the United States and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada all carry Mao's torch.
The world is falling into a pandemic of depravity that race is only a symptom of. When policing and defending yourself are no longer constitutional and our rights no longer have boundaries we will blindly jump from a plane without our parachute and burn down our neighbour's house because we don't like the way they look or something that they do.
The black death plague knows no limits of colour, gender or age.
Jesus' time is soon. Satan knows this and will take as many as he can of all colours and genders before his blanket of death is lifted and the light he fears is revealed.
Jesus' door is still open and only God really knows how long we have left before it closes. Only he knows if we are depraved enough yet or not.