Friday, April 30, 2021


CTV didn't cancel the weekend newscasts on CFPL/CHWI but with the amount of COVID fear porn those casts are putting out they might as well have.

If journalists actually were interested or able to investigate things and tell the truth, maybe so many of them wouldn't have been attacked in 2020.

Hope the deal between Live 365 and IHeartMedia works out well.

Wow, only a little over two thirds of households now own a radio. The old media is dying indeed.

All Canadians should look into Bill C-10, the amendment to the Broadcasting Act, that, if it were passed tomorrow, would give the government the power to regulate user-generated content on the internet. 

Monday, April 26, 2021


The story of Jesus preaching in His hometown synagogue, while familiar, can still be a bit mysterious. In this sermon Pastor Aaron Vriesman provides the cultural context and application of this Gospel passage. The Good News of Christ is for everyone:, including Hitler if he repented, and no one gets into Heaven without obeying the Gospel, even the kindest, sweetest person you know.

Friday, April 23, 2021


    Good riddance to self-help guru cult leader Roy Masters.

Wiggy is leaving Cool 100 Belleville  for a station in Abbottsford.

See former CBC newsman Blake Lambert works for the Canadian Press now.

See both K-rock Kingston and Rock 107 Belleville use female imaging voices now.

Picked up Pure Country 98.9 Kingston tonight.

Wish I could find some recordings of C-99 (CJIJ-FM), that indiginous station in Nova Scotia who turned in their license a little while back.

Was picking up an unidentified country station on 1100 under WTAM Cleveland tonight (Saturday.)

Kind of cool to hear Grant Lawrence on CBC Music this afternoon (Sunday.)

As I flipped around the FM radio dial last night (Saturday), I realized songs I liked in the higher grades of elementary school are the equivalent, as far as their age is concerned, of the music oldies stations used to play when I was a kid.


This purported news story from ABC is actually all staged. All the participants are so acting! 


This Christian Research Journal article is balanced, is based on Scripture, has a friendly and fair tone, and gives the reader something to chew on. 


This 15 year old NPR piece from Todd Boyd makes some good points and I agree with its main thrust. However, I personally think one of the reasons so many black male actors play females has to do with Hollywood's part in the Agenda 2030 population control mandate and the accompanying need to encourage  homosexuality and trans-genderism. Every guy doing it with another guy means fewer children, especially those pesky black ones the eugenicists behind these UN protocols hate so much, and every male they can get to have the reassignment surgery means one more man who won't be able to have kids.

Thursday, April 22, 2021


    The dingbat Democrats are now guilty of inciting rioting, first degree murder in any and all deaths that may occur and financially responsible to all damages to businesses and homes that may result from the Floyd death forward, not to mention the smuggling of drugs and guns for crime and the human trafficking they are enabling at their borders., as well as the plandemic and the way it was used to win the 2020 election; also the forced perverted education that is corrupting the minds of our children.

More people died in 2018 than 2020 and in 2021 it seems there will be more deaths than 2018 by far due to the black plague of racism that has been festering in humanity for millennia.

My blogging friend is the tractor who pulls me, the planter who spreads the seed of hope in prayer that the Holy Spirit, through direction, will water and the light of life will empower into bloom.



        What was the cop who killed this girl who was armed with a knife and about to attempt to murder another girl supposed to do: yell "Wait, the purple-haired, nonbinary, transsexual, homosexual, person of colour social worker is almost here!"

Yeah, that may have worked.

If every black life matters then why was this black girl about to murder another black girl?



Criminals have been impowered over their victims.

Satan's way: the good people are muzzled and blindfolded. Say bye-bye to the police who are mostly good and obey the criminals who are all bad.

If Floyd had been killed by someone he tried to rob after forcing his way into their home at gunpoint would we still be hearing his name if the homeowner were black?

Chauvan was charged and convicgted because of the fear of the insanity we try to keep at a six foot distance that we have now allowed to creep a little closer. The monster under your child's bed will only get scarier, more real and far more dangerous. 

Without the police, more people of all colours will die.

If the Chauvan conviction is overturned, then the Floyd family owes the people their 27 million dollars back.

President Ping of China, president Biden of the United States and Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada all carry Mao's torch. 

The world is falling into a pandemic of depravity that race is only a symptom of. When policing and defending yourself are no longer constitutional and our rights no longer have boundaries we will blindly jump from a plane without our parachute and burn down our neighbour's house because we don't like the way they look or something that they do.

The black death plague knows no limits of colour, gender or age.

Jesus' time is soon. Satan knows this and will take as many as he can of all colours and genders before his blanket of death is lifted and the light he fears is revealed.

Jesus' door is still open and only God really knows how long we have left before it closes. Only he knows if we are depraved enough yet or not.



Falling into Satan's insane demands because of the fear of the consequences of noncompliance that is a lie and the social shame that leads to a herd following. We don't want to be different for fear of conflict and being shunned from the group. The only thing Satan has left is another lie to try to support his lie about God's truth. He only knows that the more lies he shames and fears you into believing the more lost from the truth of his Enemy Jesus you become. Psalm 121 3 Titus 2 Psalm 91



    Biden and Harris are puppets of their evil overlord. They are powerless against the choices in life they have made and being manipulated by them as they are forced to deceive their depraved following into the torment that will devour them and their zombie supporters.

Seeking the true Word of God will shed the light on the deceptions of what you do not see: a darkness that is nowhere you really want to end up. We know this place as Hell, the place that it is our purpose in life to learn to stay out of.



originally written on January 18

If the policeman charged with Floyd's death is acquitted then justice will be done for him.

It is not Chauvan who is guilty of murdering George Floyd as it is Floyd being guilty of second degree depraved indifference against himself that brought him to his death by choices made.

What the media should have chosen to do about Floyd is to stop talking about him as he deserved to be forgotten. 

Just because you don't have a gun doesn't mean you are not armed with the insanities of drug-addicted depraved choices made which make you more dangerous to yourself and others.



This ungodly following of the blind and muzzled is only going to bring more masks and blindfolds to wear. We need to remove all our masks to seek the godly following that is waiting for us.

If you don't know where to find this following then the Book of John is a good place to start. Then go to the letters of the apostle Paul that he wrote to the churches about the following of idols and the deceptions they are. Romans 8 18


Friday, April 16, 2021


What caused this policewoman to kill Daunte was Daunte. She reached for her weapon because of Mr. Wright's actions and content of character. The policewoman can not be blamed for her training or the neglect that turns a blind eye to it.

Rebellion brings death. Choose whom you rebel against carefully. There are only two directions in death. 

I can not feel sorry for Mr. Wright. He chose to follow his demons to his death and now, like Floyd and Taylor, faces the torments of choices made.




        Praying is not only to ask God for salvation through Jesus Christ who walks with us: it becomes a communication that helps to clear us from the distractions along the treacherous trail you find yourself on following the light that is the revelations that are the Gospel of Paul who followed Christ into death as an example that all in this world could be saved no matter how lost they are or how dark they have become.

The light that shines on the Word of God, the light that cleanses and the prayers that bring understanding.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Glad Dick Williams is back on CFPL London Saturday and Sunday mornings from 11:00-2:00.

Glad Richard Syrett is on Sauga 960 Mississauga Monday-Friday afternoons from 4:00-6:00.

I want to like Jim Richards' new overnight show, but every time I tune in, he mostly sounds like the guy I used to listen to twenty years ago who never grew up, plus he seems to push the sjw agenda a lot.

Glad WABC has a lot more local programming now.

Odd CBC Music would air "Canada Listens" at 8:00 in the morning, but I guess they figure since no one listens to them it doesn't matter anyway.

Glad 91x has that "Loyalist Counsellors During COVID" feature.

Caught "New Music Food Truck" on 91x. Seems like a pretty good show with a well-organized format.

Glad radio stations are filling Rush's timeslot with local programming or are bringing other, lesser-known syndicated hosts to the fore.

Sad about the death of Dick Smyth. Seemed like he knew what was going on in the world and he sure had an interesting and varied YouTube channel.

 Sad to hear the channel once known as Comedy Gold is no more. I enjoyed watching it when it first came on the air.

Kind of cool Samantha Pope, who used to write for Canadian Geographic, is now doing news on CFRA and CFRB.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


         Christopher Kimball hosts this show that talks about interesting trends in food, cuisine around the world, interviews celebrity chefs, and even provides tips and recipes.

     Orli Shani and Brandi Milloy talk about motherhood and parenting. An entertaining program whether the two moms are by themselves or have a guest, the easy, free flowing conversational style of "Momhood" means it is well-suited for the podcast format.

Millennial Minimalists:  Kelly and Lauren talk about minimalism, along the way touching on everything from physical and mental health, sustainable living, de-cluttering, and so much more.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


The fear and the fright 

Of a maskless face

Causes people to whimper and quiver

And hide in their space.

The COVID's a smokescreen

Hiding the true evil we face

That wants to trap us and hold us

From God's eternal grace.


With the deceptions of vanity

That lead us not to God's place

As we blindly run to the darkness

Of Satan's disgrace.

Lord Jesus help us to meet

the God of Your grace.



We are all of God's people

But with so many led astray,

With each year, with each month,

With each week, and each day.

The lives of so many

Break down in decay,

They must raise up their heads,

To the Lord God they're to say,

"Lord Jesus, please save me

And show me your way

So that I can be with You

In your Father's house

Where you stay.



The prostitutes of Dauladtia         Bangladesh, a place of children, a place of prostitutes who have no father, know no direction and have almost no hope when praying to Allah, the burning heart of the earth whose smoke is poisoning our minds.

Kensington Avenue, Philadelphia, skid row Los Angeles after dark, a night crawler's paradise.

You fight fire with fire, people. The fire of the Word of the burning wrath of God is an everlasting fuel. The burning heart burns till there's nothing left: the burning Word burns till all is made right.

Once it hits all the nails on the head, the coffin of the dead is sealed forever and ever. Amen.



    It seems that when we wear our masks and force our body to recycle its own waste all day the toxic presence that builds up in our blood is poisoning our body and fogging our minds as we become more and more unaware of our surroundings and the horrors yet to come to the breakdown of family, faith and culture.

There's talk about World War III happening soon. Who has not been seeing that coming?

The day of the demons of the abyss is soon and we are still a very long way from ready to meet that whom we fear. Matthew 7 13-15



When you learn to know Jesus, you see that you need and want to walk with Him, not want and need to run from Him.

Believe and know that Jesus is with you in Spirit and you are with Him in your heart.

When you turn and run to Jesus the first hurdle you face seems impossible to clear but by faith you will succeed into the walk of the saved. The hurdle is the death of who you were and the rebirth of who you can be in the holy presence of God.



                                                                                                                                                                                                                    We are quickly falling into the serfdom of our lords who worship the power of the knowledge of control through fear.

Get to know Jesus and get to know the weapons and shield He places within you in this world of drugs and deception.

George Floyd was a victim of drugs, lies and a system of government that failed so many like him.

The circumstances of life appear like a roll of the dice and the roll of the dice determin our next move. The choices we make when we get there can move us forward or not in the games of this life.

In the time we are entering, the dice will be rolled for you by the lords of self-righteousness who are forcing us to serve them in a single file line down their very twisted path.

I                                    n the dictionary, woke is wake and these words say it all. We need to wake up to the wokedom of following the elites. 

Woke up, people.

The open southern border is going to fill the cities of North America with homeless and lost children. The damage done will be great with no rules, no regulations, no rhyme nor reason to it with no transparency or accountability as the dingbat Democrats flutter about blinded by the darkness in their lair of lies.

The fear of the insanities that we have yet to fear is still only at the birthing stage:: a long terrible birthing of the monster yet to be.

God help us all. Amen.



        It seems that COVID is a plague that kills in mabny different ways. The insanities that have erupted in the past year are only beginning to become to light.n I would like to see proof and evidence of proof that the wearing of our face mask everywhere we need to go (and there are some people who rarely take them off) is not killing more people than it's going to save. 

Evidence that it's a bad idea is abundant. I would also like to se proof how this vaccine is a good idea for someone with a healthy imune system who is not overweight and rarely gets sick. It seems that a strong imune system will only get stronger for being brave enough to stand the virus down.

The God of Daniel turns lions on your back into sheep at your feet. Being afraid of your enemy only weakens you against it and empowers it over you. Our imune systems are a natural process that is of God's creation. All creatures have it; it is the natural healing process that keeps us alive.

To mix a chemical reaction into a natural function is an interference that distorts God's perfect way.

Depending on drugs has become a lifestyle for a great many people in North America and all around the world and our unhealthy ways are only getting worse.

The mask, to me, is a barrier that blocks the natural way.


Sunday, April 4, 2021


    The days of Noah, the days of Lot. 

Reminders and warnings are happening all around the world at an accelerating rate in every way. 



    When I walk into a place where people are without wearing a mask most people now believe that I am endangering them. My message is really about the freedom I've found from the fear behind the many masks they wear on their face.         

I have not watched mainstream TV or turned on a radio in more than two years now and that seems to be the difference. I have been seeking true knowledge and turned off the virtual knowledge that so many only know.

Throwing the mask away, people, is the beginning of the only hope you have to face the thing you fear. God has the only true answers. 

Galatians 2 20

I live for the ways of Jesus Christ now, not the ways of man.

The visions I have seen and the undeniable confirmations I have had have brought me to an understanding that loves all people no matter how much they fear me because I don't wear a mask.

Thank you God for preparing me through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for the time we are in. Amen.

I choose not to fall into the modern-day slavery of the mask that you are all wearing that's not going to save anyone from anything.

The purpose of the mask is to break your will through the fear of non compliance and the fog that it creates in your mind.

Natural herd immunity is the only defense from any virus and vaccinations are an artificial chemical reaction. What's going on makes no sense which, in a way, gives it a sense: the nonsense that we follow.



The highway to Hell has many exits. Jesus is the light you turn on so you can start seeing the signs and get off at the next ramp and onto the path of Christ where warm, gentle rain will cleanse you of the filth from the highway of the damned.

If you do not support sexual slavery, pedophilia, homosexuality, transsexuality, abortion, and sterilizing the population then take off your mask and express an opinion. Do you fear God or man? Acts 27 23-24

Prayer is a Christian's weapon of war against the evil army of this place and faith is the shield we carry that deflects the arrows of lies and deceit.



Biden's plan for gun violence makes sure the criminal can't be shot while using one to commit a crime.

Stop manufacturing guns for sale to the population, then remove guns from the criminal element. Then, in time, the noncriminal element will not feel the need to have guns so much anymore      if being caught in a crime with a gun is anautomatic ten years.

If the need to defend ourselves is weakened, the need to defend ourselves from it is lessened.

Assaults rarely happen without hands and feet.

Biden's ban on assault weapons: define assault weapon. Any object used to assault someone, even a woman's purse with a brick in it.



        2 Thessalonians 2 10 

Floyd died a blubbering, blithering fool's death. Hopefully no more innocent people die over this fool's wasted life.

There's a picture of him with a crown of thorns on his head when he was really only a thorn in a garden of weeds;; one thorn from one weed among millions just like him: a man who lived a plywood life, then got buried into the lie of his golden casket.

It is not likely that there is rest for his soul: only an eternity of regret and torment as he either cries or curses the God he now knows.

Any cop can be used to finish the devil's work.

This cop could be found guilty of negligence causing death. Even negligence causing death is questionable.

We should maybe not blog Floyd for unfortunate reasons, but we do blog this post for righteous reasons. The truth does not care if it upsets you.

The unfortunate life of George Floyd is about the result of wrong choices made. It seems Floyd was guilty of driving under the influence: a crime that has killed many before and many after him. 

The Word of God speaks to us through his unfortunate life.

Booze and drugs are killing many people in many ways: more and more each day; so many sinneras on their way to Hell. Romans 14 8

Our choices dictate our ever after with or without Him.
