Wednesday, April 7, 2021


        It seems that COVID is a plague that kills in mabny different ways. The insanities that have erupted in the past year are only beginning to become to light.n I would like to see proof and evidence of proof that the wearing of our face mask everywhere we need to go (and there are some people who rarely take them off) is not killing more people than it's going to save. 

Evidence that it's a bad idea is abundant. I would also like to se proof how this vaccine is a good idea for someone with a healthy imune system who is not overweight and rarely gets sick. It seems that a strong imune system will only get stronger for being brave enough to stand the virus down.

The God of Daniel turns lions on your back into sheep at your feet. Being afraid of your enemy only weakens you against it and empowers it over you. Our imune systems are a natural process that is of God's creation. All creatures have it; it is the natural healing process that keeps us alive.

To mix a chemical reaction into a natural function is an interference that distorts God's perfect way.

Depending on drugs has become a lifestyle for a great many people in North America and all around the world and our unhealthy ways are only getting worse.

The mask, to me, is a barrier that blocks the natural way.


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