Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Here’s two more in the US I found:


A Seattle man died in a bus terminal in April 2013 when his shirt became entangled in the mechanism towards the bottom of the unit. As an open bottle of brandy was found on his person, and CCTV footage showed the man to be moving slowly just prior to boarding the escalator, it was theorized he might have been intoxicated prior to the incident. It appeared the man lost his balance, causing his shirt to get lodged in the escalator's motors.


A woman died on a New York Telephone Company escalator while on her way to work in September 1987. The escalator in question had apparently received numerous complaints in the weeks leading up to the woman's death, and in 1982, 13 people were injured in an accident involving the unit. Apparently, as the woman rode up the escalator, the step she was standing on collapsed under her feet, sucking her into the mechanism below.




From a group chat.

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