Friday, July 3, 2020


Here's what happens when you are blinded by the hate you worship.

Black Lives Matter and Trans Lives Matter are not about who they claim to represent: they are about causing hate and racism in their followers. It is not about your colour or gender: respect can only be gained from your character. What your actions are showing is that you are poorly educated, unable to think for themselves people who seem to think they can persuade people to agree with their squirelly line of thought through threats, violence and attacking anyone who won't see it their way.

You take hold of an emotion like hate and turn it into a weapon to force racism into a population of misinformed people whose blind rage causes them to fail to see the truth about their abuse and directs them into rampaging mobs of violent people who will even kill their own in the name of the cause that is a lie that is really about gaining power and complete control of their destiny, dragging everyone else along with them. Then they'll continue to fuel the blind hate with more lies that will become an uncontrollable, raging wildfire that only consumes the confused victims of the evil lie that no one can control or comprehend as it overwhelms and manipulates a population into oblivion who have no purpose for their cause.

When the blinded by hate are leading the blinded by ignorance, in the end, no one wins.

Once peaceful protesting turns into violent, murderous, rampaging idiots there is no turning back.

The problem with holding the police accountable is that the criminals are not held accountable for their actions.

Jesus is the Christ and the Prince of Light. Why would he not be "white" as man in the beginning, created in perfection, as Adam?

Why, then, wouldn't Satan the liar and prince of darkness be "black?"

The reason has nothing to do with race. In Christ we are all the same colour. Satan is the liar to every kind of man. His flaming arrows of deceit hit us all at one time or another in our lives on this Earth where his tracks are everywhere.

Jesus came to Earth as a man to experience Satan's arrows as we do. The difference was Jesus knew His (and all Creation's God) in perfect truth. The only way to defeat Satan's ways is to learn God's.

The leader you follow has detached you from reality and feeds off your weaknesses that bring on a following of willful ignorance. Satan has you destroying the reason that brought you to where you are. Once protesting devolves into rioting, arson, rape, murder, and leaving obscene graffiti and insane filth all over your cities there is no turning back.

The lies we follow we have been following for generations. The damage is great and deep into our core. Only God knows if mankind is past the point of no return.

When your true enemy
is the leader you follow,
and his promise of lies
is where you exist and wallow,
Your mind following sin
Is making you dark and hollow,
It is the light of our God
You need to seek and swallow.

In the beginning we were all of one kind of man that became divided into all kinds of man scattered throughout the world, who then started to create their own idol gods that have led us deeper into the fall of mankind that brings on more sin, separation and self-loathing caused by the denial of God's truth


AH: 1 Corinthians 12: Christ's mindset versus the world's mindset. Romans 12: how to lead a godly life..

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