Thursday, October 3, 2024


Create Refugee Reception Centres: The things the writer proposes are all good ideas but are too reasonable and logical for the government to put in place. Besides, these centres would help stem the chaos out of which the globalists are trying to bring order.

Squeezeplay: Wonder who got the house full of mildew?

I was Floating 100 Thousand Dollars in Debt: Of course ten dollar a day childcare isn't working.

The reason it takes forever to be reimbursed is because its the government. They don't care about deadlines.

One thing socialists don't realize is you can't sell stuff, in this case the cost of caring for a child all day, for less than what its worth.

Private Healthcare is Here: The other axiom about socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money.

The Encampment Wars: The government's response to COVID is what caused this problem to baloon and it is only going to get worse.

Vintage Vista: Sounds like an idyllic life.

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