Friday, October 11, 2024




Man Says Girlfriend Gave Him Artwork That Looks Like She 'Sat in Paint,' and He Doesn’t Want to Put It Up

By Danielle Jennings  Published on October 2, 2024 07:48PM EDT


A man turned to the internet after his girlfriend gifted him some homemade artwork that he didn't love, and didn't want to hang up.


In a post on Reddit's “Am I the A------?,” a 26-year-old man wrote that he and his girlfriend of two years, 24, do not live together and "she’s made comments about how I need more artwork."


"I agreed," he added.


So for his birthday, she got him a "homemade piece of artwork" that was inspired by something she saw on TikTok. "The best I can describe it is like she like made like a print of her ass and legs/thighs on a canvas," he wrote. "It’s like she sat in paint and then sat on the canvas. Or something like that."


However, the Redditor said that things went south after she came over one day "and found the painting in my closet."


"She asked why it’s not up and I tried to dance around it. I did tell her (the truth) that my parents stop by sometimes and I didn’t want them to see it," he wrote. "She started telling me that the picture is 'beautiful' and I should want to 'embrace her' and some more lines about how I should 'embrace our intimacy.' "


So he decided to be brutally honest, saying that he told her he found the artwork "weird" and that he felt "very uncomfortable hanging up something like that."


"She asked if I truly wasn’t going to hang it up," he added. "I told her no, I will never consider putting that on my walls but I appreciate the thought."


Then he said that she "started crying" and took it to hang up at her place. "She said her friend's boyfriend loves the one he got so she can’t get why I’m being such a jerk about this,” he added. "I love her and her uniqueness and I appreciate what she does but I do think some of their habits and interests are unusual."


He went on to end the post by saying he didn't think he was in the wrong for not wanting an artistic "nude of my girlfriend on my walls" — and although the majority of commenters took his side, some said that their differing tastes should have been discussed earlier to avoid confusion.


“There's nothing wrong with not wanting that or wanting to put it on the wall. Seems like they just have different thresholds of what they like," read one reply.


“It's totally reasonable to have boundaries about what kind of art you're comfortable displaying, especially with family around," another commenter wrote. "You appreciate her effort, but everyone has different tastes when it comes to personal or intimate decor. It's more about mismatched expectations than ungratefulness."


Another commenter, who said they were familiar with this type of painting said that while "it's a reach to say it's a borderline nude," ultimately, "you're allowed to decide what you want on your walls.


Another reply put the issue quite plainly: "Unfortunately that’s kind of the risk you run with a handmade gift; they might not like it!"

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