Saturday, June 15, 2024




LA City Council Removes U-Turn Traffic Signs Because They Say They're Anti-Gay - We Can't Have Anything

By Margaret Clark

| 3:20 PM on June 14, 2024

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A phobia is an irrational fear. Homophobia is described as an irrational fear of gay individuals. Is there a term for an irrational fear of being discriminated against? If so, I think several on the far left would fit the category.


Derangement is at an all-time high with members of the "LGBTQIA+" community (how many letters of the alphabet do we plan to add?) now taking their activism to the streets — or more literally,


the street signs. 



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LA City Council removes several “no U-turn” traffic signs in Silver Lake, California, because they were considered “anti-LGBTQ”

Play Video. 46 seconds long

10:50 AM · Jun 14, 2024

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For the majority of the country, street signs are understood to have colors and designs that direct traffic clearly. There is no partiality. But then there are the select few who somehow find a way to write a narrative about the hate-filled history of our seemingly innocent traffic directors.


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“Los Angeles has a rich history of welcoming the LGBTQIA+ community, but there has also been real and present homophobia— which at times has been inscribed into the city’s physical spaces, as with these no-U-turn signs,” Raman said in a prepared statement.

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According to the recent discovery, these signs were created to inconspicuously keep traffic away from gay bars and areas. 


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In the late 90s when the internet was still new and gay dating apps like Grindr did not exist, queer men sometimes relied on printed guidebooks that listed public areas where they could find love, sex and community without outing themselves. Among those areas was West Hollywood, where anti-gay traffic signs similar to the ones removed Monday were installed in 1991 and later removed — and Griffith Park Boulevard in Silver Lake, where Soto-Martinez and Raman’s districts now meet. 

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Who would have thought? Well, not even members of the LQBTQIABCDEFG+ community. Even the ceremonial event's leading drag queen spokesperson admitted he had to look hard for these signs of discrimination. 


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“I was unaware of those signs and never would have found [them],” said Pickle, West Hollywood’s inaugural drag queen laureate who performed at the removal ceremony. The signs were an “insidious” form of discrimination that he and others simply “didn’t have any context for,” Pickle said.

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This highlights the foolishness of those on the far left who want to make decisions for our country but can't even support basic street signs that direct traffic flow. Is there anything safe? 


Once again, their obsession with attention and dominance supersede all logic and takes up valuable time that could be focused on real problems.  

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