Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Dear Friends of Madoc's Open Mic:

It feels like forever since we got together! Though happily we've been seeing some of you at other events - so not feeling TOO deprived! (:

This is the Friday at last - November 17 at 6:30 at the Madoc Legion. Some important people have been letting me know that they will be coming, so I'm very pleased to tell you it's going to be a GOOD ONE!! But then, aren't they all. :D

So ignore the rain, grab your instrument (if you're playing), dash to your car and come out for another great evening at Madoc's Open Mic!

As always, we have everything else you need here: 2 mics - don't be shy to ask for a new cover!, music stand, monitors, a decent PA system and Todd on the sound board making you sound better than you thought! (: ALSO we have some guys happy to back you up. (: ASK me about it, if I forget to ask you! Back up is optional. Everyone is welcome! Come out and experience playing for a friendly audience. Grab a shaker and play along!

This is your chance to enjoy Live Local Music in a comfortable, friendly setting - with GREAT bar service! (:

OH and by the way - there are at least 2 OTHER events happening this week too:

Wed. Nov.15 Paul Speight, Randy Stewart and Ron Marshall - The Willful Ignorants - at Up Front & Personal 317 Front St. Belleville  6:00 pm.

AND Thurs. Nov.16 Carrie Cooper is featured and hosting the Open Mic the Grand Maple 19 Albert St. East,  Hastings beginning 5:30 pm.

See you Friday!!

Elizabeth and Robert 

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