Wednesday, May 15, 2013


The dedcision by Angelina Jolie to have a double mastectomy as a precautionary measure to prevent breast cancer is not only madness the likes of which I never though I would encounter, it is also unbiblical.

Before I go any further, let me say there may be times when it is necissary for a woman suffering from breast cancer to have a single or double mastectomy. In such cases, let me assure these women that you are still beautiful and sexyl. You are not fundamentally less of a woman because you have undergone this proceedure.

However, Proverbs 5 19 says, "her be the loving hind and pleasant roe _let her breasts satisfy thee at all _times and be thou ravished always with her love" (emphasis added) God designed things so  that a woman's breasts were pleasing to a man. In a proper, Biblical marriage, this would be the case for a lifetime, as shown in the use of the phrase "at all times." Therefore, to have a double mastectomy just so you don't contract breast cancer can definitely be seen as being unbiblical.

However, Jolie's action and the similar actions of other women are unbiblical not only for it's violation of this verse in Proverbs because it also breaks the first commandment.


Women, who is the only one who knows the future? Answer: God. Despite today's advances in medical technology, only God truly knows if you will get breast cancer or not. By deciding that you are going to have your breasts remove so you won't get breast cancer, you are setting the medical establishment before the God of the universe and letting them tell your future. Sure, there may be a high possibility of you getting breast cancer due to genetic and other factors, but only God knows for sure whether you will contract this disease. Maybe you will never have even so much as a malignant spot on your breast.

Aside from going against God's Word, having a preventative double mastectomy also plays right into the hands of the new world order. One of the goals of the sons of the Evil One (who run Hollywood as well as controlling the medical industry) is to mix up the genders. They want to create a totally androgenous being. One of the ways to accomplish this is to get women to have their breasts removed.

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