Friday, June 19, 2020


    What's next: another virus or maybe a fake war with China?

Black Lives Matter an Trans Lives Matter are not about putting out the fire in your dumpster: they are about flipping the dumpster over and spreading the fire across the land.

You are not being led into redemption: you are being led into destruction by deception by evil leaders-the blind leading the blind.

Before we cut back on the police we nee to cut back on the crime. Abolishing the police first would be like letting a rabid dog off its chain because now the only way to stop it from spreading its virus would be to shoot it from a safe distance.

Black Lives Matter and Trans Lives Matter are not bringing a solution to our problems with the police, only bringing pity to the awareness of ongoing, lingering ungodly behaviour in all of us that seems to be past the point of no return.

Black Lives Matter is doing black people more harm than good. They are a moronic organization that glorifies black crime and condemns the police. Why does Black Lives Matter try to cause more problems than not for black people who blindly follow this insanity down the road of no return?

When the man killed in the Wendy's parking lot got into a car drunk, he had already abandoned his children and cheapened his worth in society. How many more will die over this man's unfortunate life choices.

Black Lives Matter and Antifa are leading you all down the road to your own destruction. You all are becoming weaponized against the truth.

Most people will stand with you all in peaceful protest but when protest turns into looting and burning your own stuff that makes the peaceful protests become meaningless. So you see, my friends under the skin, peaceful protests are a step forward, looting and rioting are ten steps back. Ungodly acts bring ungodly results.

Most of the changes in the way the police act that Trump wants to do are the changes that the Dems talked about but never really did anything about.

If the police are your enemy, then you are your own worst enemy.

It seems that the Dems political campaign is running like a clogged toilet and Biden is only a crumb in the blockage.

We are all equal under God: equally lost in sin and in need of salvation.

Stop playing in God's sandbox and start digging in God's dirt if you want an end to your trials. Jesus is the only way to find the light you seek to lead you out of your darkness. (Acts 2 38)

Becoming a born-again Christian child of God will bring you to know truths that are difficult to explain because they are beyond belief yet undeniable confirmation that cannot be explained outside of the Word of God. (See psalms 10, 11 and 12)


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