Friday, June 12, 2020


v2: Christians are foreknown by God prior to eternity and they are elected by God to be conformed to be like Him through the Holy Spirit, obeying God and being in His kingdom by the sprinkling of Jesus shed blood on the cross. When you get saved, God puts His spirit in you and begins growing you up into what and who you should be.

V3: The world puts its hope in a lot of things, but only Jesus Christ provides any kind of realistic hope for mankind.

V4-9: Here and throughout this letter, Peter harkens back to what Ecclesiastes says, that we have to take the eternal view of life. We suffer here on earth, but as Paul says in 2 Corinthians, the sufferings we're going through now can't compare to living forever and ever in the new heaven and the new earth.

V13: We need to gird the loins of our minds with truth as Paul instructs in Ephesians truth. Fixing the truth of the eternal kingdom and future with Jesus Christ we have ahead of us is how we're going to get through the sufferings we're enduring now. This girding our loins with truth is also what will keep us from yielding to the temptation to fall away, to just give up like the seed that fell on stoney ground.

v9: We are a royal priesthood, not only in the sense that we serve the King, but also in that we are sons of the King.

V13-16: Notice in verse 14 that the purpose for all levels of government is the punishment of evildoers. Civil government is given to man by God for this purpose. However, today civil government does the opposite: it rewards evildoers, such as homosexuals, abortionists, those women who wish to murder their babies in utero because the baby would be inconvenient to carry to term at this term. The civil governments of New York and Virginia are even now going so far as to reward those who murder a baby after it has come out of the womb and been delivered at full term. Governments are also rewarding evildoers who are rioting in the name of racial injustice and who are taking their bitterness at being sinned agianst on whoever is around.

I obey laws because they accord with good works of God, not because man's government says I have to.

V18-20: This passage is used today to tell people that they shouldn't fight for their rights in the workplace and that they should put up with ill treatment by their employer. This passage is not teaching this, though we still should not repay evil for evil. This was written in a time and culture where the vast majority of the people had no right of self-determination.

V23: When your the king of the universe, you don't have to answer the wild accusations of men who aren't going to listen to your defence anyway. Children of the king don't have to do this, either.

v1-7: This passage has been twisted to produce all kinds of whacky stuff.

This passage was written in the time of ancient Rome, when a husband's only obligations were to pass on his genes, visit his wife and children, and provide for them materially. Peter is introducing the radical idea that, in the ways of Christ's kingdom, husbands are supposed to live together in love and respect. Neither the husband nor the wife can any longer just go off ado there own thing most of the time, including sexually.

Verses 3 and 4 are not literally teaching that women can't sytyle their hair, wear jewelery or dress nicely. Rather, Peter is telling women their outward appearance shouldn't be more important than their inner beauty. It's kind of like how James isn't actually saying we need to literally say “Lord willing” before we mention anything to do with what we'd like to do in the future, tomorrow or when we grow old or otherwise. James is simply saying that we need to recognize that any plans we make are subject to God's will because we aren't our own anymore and it's supposed to be let His will and not ours be done.

There's also a lot of confusion in the Peter's referring to women as “the weaker vessel.” I don't believe he is referring to weakness in any sense we think of that word today. Rather, I think Peter is saying women are more precious, as compare a wooden bucket to a Ming vase.

V15: While Christians should be equipped to answer the questions unbelievers have on a variety of subjects, this verse isn't teaching we need to have an answer for every single question and argument a non-Christian could throw at us. Rather, we need to have an answer for how we are managing to get through what we are going through, namely through our relationship with Jesus Christ.

V21: Baptism is necessary for salvation. It isn't the ritualistic performance of the act that saves us but the fact that, when we repent, we die to ourselves, to our own will, so that we can obey God's will. We are then buried through baptism and come up out of the water new creatures, reborn into Jesus Christ as newborn babes.

v3-5: You get the impression the believers Peter was writing too had been among the lowest of the low.

V9: This is a verse Canadians need to work on obeying better.

v3: Matthew 20 25

v13: Babylon here means Jerusalem since there is no proof Peter was crucified upside down in Rome.

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