Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Have you ever taken a moment to count all the references to joy in the Bible?  Well, you would need more than a moment out of your busy schedule to make that possible, as there are just over 800 references to joy, 816 if you wish to get technical.  Have you noticed that even some devout Christians have lost the joy?  How has that happened?

1  The legalism- If you have ever wondered what can kill joy fast?  Get someone to point out every little thing that God frowns upon.

2  We're busy- In this fast paced world we spend so much time glued to screens that we have lost track of any kind of joy.

3 It doesn't always matter- Sure it's well and good to talk about tithing and financial matters, but how about talking about things that involve joy.

        How To Get It back

1  Take a break- If you can, step outside, take a deep breath.

2  Look for it in small places- It could be as simple as seeing your nephew say his first words.

3  Have an encouragement team- You and your friends can be each others "Joy Leaders." When one of you feels down talk about it.

4  Power down- Take an hour away from the screens, and just bask in God's goodness.  Like no. 1 this might involve some time outside.


1  How do you know joy is no longer present around you?

2  What are some tips you can give for people seeking out joy?


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