Friday, January 10, 2020


In a relationship there are times and situations where one must fish or cut bate.  There are also those indicators that he/she is not the one for you.  This also applies to church.  In this essay I will tell you some things to think about that may, if you attend the institutional church, be things that just don't feel right.


1  Am I getting closer to God?

2 How much of a family atmosphere is in this place?

3 What does the preacher stand for?

4 Am I being challenged?

5 Would I recommend my Millennial nephew came here?

6 Are they Biblical?

7 Can I talk to people about issues regarding the church?

8 How well do I know, or trust the pastor?

        Red Flags

1  If you notice that your new pastor tends to preach a gospel according to pastor Morgan rather than Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.

2 You find that the services drag, and you are checking your watch.

3  If the church has cliques who tend to exclude members and go off doing their own thing.

4  If you notice the pastor preaches more on certain things E.G. giving tithes and offerings, but not developing a rounded relationship with Christ.

5  If you find yourself feeling empty or weird at the end of the service.

6  You notice that a majority of the time the preacher shape shifts E.G. going fire and brimstone for three weeks, and kitten soft for three months.

7 The church relies heavily on affirmation of self.

8 They are either inward focused or extremely attractional instead of building relationships.


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