Friday, January 5, 2024


The house that was going up next door was finished and the neighbours moved in. They have turned out to be really good neighbours indeed.

I continued to hang out with the guy who was renting one of my other neighbour's houses for the summer.

Went to a gospel music concert in Ottawa with a bunch of other brothers and sisters from the church at Madoc.

Was taken out for lunch and took someone out for supper in the same day.

Had a genuine financial miracle when it came to purchasing a new laptop from Best Buy in November.

Saturday nights during the winter I would go into the laundry room, drink and listen to the radio.

I started playing at an open mic in September at a local restaurant. Mom found out about it from the local cable channel.

After a couple weeks, I told the owner I would only be attending the open mic at his restaurant a couple times a month as opposed to every week because, being on a fixed income, I couldn't afford to eat there every week. He said I could have my food for free from now on.

Was still continuing to volunteer at the United church luncheon and attend Bible study at the Pentecostal church as well.

Was happy to hear about the birth of a new cousin, even if it was once removed.

Got a new desktop computer at the beginning of March without relying on the Assistive Devices Program.

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