Ezekiel 13:10 It is definitely because they have misled My people by saying, ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace. And when anyone builds a wall,
behold, they plaster it over with whitewash;
Remnant, HOW EXCITING to once again be living in the days spoken of in Ezekiel 13! This very declaration, this warning, is just what we are living today,
here in the good old USA! Peace, peace is proclaimed, but because God’s Covenant people have turned away from Him, there is NO PEACE!
These recent headlines, seen below, include another anti-Christ TARE ‘pleading’ for “peace, peace,” while attempting to take away our God-given
RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY and DUTY to protect ourselves, our family, our community and our nation… THEY do not stop or sleep in their quest to steal, kill
and destroy.
Cardinal Tobin: People Must Voluntarily Give Up Their Guns In Order to Build a Free Society
Amid a mounting debate in America over the constitutionality of gun control, Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark has entered the fray with a different
argument: That people should voluntarily forgo their Second Amendment rights for the betterment of society.
“I honestly believe it is the best thing we can do to change the culture of violence that threatens us today,” Tobin said.
“Let’s voluntarily set aside our rights in order to witness the truth that only peace and never violence, is the way to build a free society
that is lived concretely in our homes, our neighborhoods, our communities, our nation and our world,” he said.
Tobin made the plea in a recent letter, “Pray for an end to all instances of violence,” where he calls on community leaders and Catholic bishops,
himself included, to call for a “synodal effort” to actively resist
violence. He proposed a threefold process that includes prayer and work, advocacy, and voluntary self-restraint from the Second Amendment. …
With that in mind, Tobin made the case that while legislation and regulations are necessary, in the case of gun violence, as with all life issues,
it’s equally as important to “regulate our behavior in order to protect the vulnerable and ensure the common good.” “It’s true that we have a Second Amendment
right to bear arms, but rights always involve responsibilities – in this case, the responsibility to protect the innocent and to secure public safety and
good order,” Tobin said. “The mass shootings we are witnessing almost weekly now are a serious threat to the lives and well-being of all people.” In the
cardinal’s threefold synodal process, he echoes what other U.S. prelates have said, stating that prayers alone aren’t enough to adequately address the
issue. Instead, Tobin said that Catholics must combine prayer with action to prevent the root causes of gun violence.
Does this sound familiar to you, the public?
In May 1919, at Dusseldorf, Germany, Allied forces captured a very significant document:
“Communist Rules for Revolution.” As you read these “rules” now, over 100 years later, keep in mind what you are reading and hearing every day in the
news media:
A. Corrupt the young; get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.
B. Get control of all means of publicity, thereby:
1. Get people’s minds off their government by focusing their attention on athletics, sexy books, plays and other trivialities.
2. Divide the people into hostile groups by constantly harping on controversial matters of no importance.
3. Destroy the people’s faith in their natural leaders by holding the latter up for contempt, ridicule, etc.
4. Always preach true democracy, but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible.
5. By encouraging governmental extravagance, destroy the credit, produce fear of inflation with rising prices and general discontent.
6. Promote unnecessary strikes in vital industries, encourage civil disorder and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of the
government toward such disorders.
7. By specious argument, cause the breakdown of the old moral virtues, honesty and sobriety.
C. Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext with a view to confiscating them and leaving the population helpless.
Think about it people, you are now living it.
Remnant, remember that ANYONE who wants to prevent you from protecting yourself, your family, or your nation, is NOT your friend…
The time of the harvest spoken of by Jesus in Matthew 13, in the parable of the tares and the wheat, fast approaches. Remember that the tares
could not be dealt with UNTIL the time of harvest, when the wheat would be bowed down, and the tares would be standing straight and tall. That is what
we are seeing when we see the likes of this
Cardinal Tobin calling the sheep to give up their God-given DUTY of self-protection. It is plain to see that the violence problem in America is NOT caused
by law-abiding gun owners, but by the thieves,
criminals and murderers, that are lawless.
And this Tare, this Cardinal, this DIRTY BIRD, wants us to be disarmed. He is one of THEM, you KNOW them by their fruits.
You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good
fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit
is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will
know them by their fruits. Matthew 7:16-20
Here are a few quotes that are not as well known today as they were in our Nation’s recent past. Remember Matthew 12:37.
For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.
The Marxist Lenin said, one of the basic conditions for the victory of socialism is the arming of the workers (the communists) and the disarming
of the bourgeoisie ( THE MIDDLE CLASS).
Leon Trotsky said that in order to assure Communism’s totalitarian state, there, arises the necessity of disarming the bourgeoisie and arming
the workers, of creating a Communist army.
Josef Stalin said, It the opposition disarms,, well and good. If it refuse to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves.
Mao Tse-tung said it best of all: Power comes out of the end of the barrel of a gun.
Since he is the greatest mass-murderer in all of history, we can take his word for it.
Again, Remnant, do not forget history, nor the desires of our enemies, those that do the desire of their father the devil, who was a murderer
from the beginning; those that come to steal, kill and destroy.
This very recent headline applies
to many of us. Are you now a FELON?
Did the ATF
Really Just Make 40 Million Americans Felons?
In a national revolt that rivals the Boston Tea Party, all but a handful of gun owners targeted by President Joe Biden have decided to protest
the administration’s sweeping rule to regulate one of the most popular and freely owned firearms ever made.
The owners of just 0.6% to 1% of AR-15-style pistols have complied with a May 31 deadline set by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives to register their firearms. By failing to do so, the owners of an estimated 20 million to 40 million guns could face 10 years in prison, a $10,000
fine, or both….
If you take the median number of guns in use, said John Lott Jr., president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, “you are still talking
about 29 million people who are technically committing felonies at this point.” That makes it the biggest pro-gun protest ever, bigger than the 4% who
complied with a New York law to register AR-15-style rifles and pistols and the 13% in Connecticut who registered their semi-automatic weapons. It’s even
bigger than the refusal by 98% in Connecticut to register bullet-holding magazines…Congress is also looking at getting involved, and a date has been set
for a House vote on blocking the ATF’s rule.
WASHINGTON—The Oversight Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Growth, Energy Policy, and Regulatory Affairs and the Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee
on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance held a joint hearing titled, “ATF’s Assault on the Second Amendment: When is Enough Enough?” Subcommittee
members discussed with expert witnesses how the ATF under the Biden Administration has upended guidance that law-abiding gun owners have relied upon for
over a decade, potentially subjecting individuals and small businesses to felony prison sentences and exorbitant fines if they do not comply with a new
final rule. Subcommittee members also discussed how the ATF in recent years has operated without congressional approval and devoted substantial time and
resources to pursue a left-wing agenda targeting lawful gun-owning Americans exercising their Second Amendment rights.
The Biden Administration has weaponized the ATF to target law-abiding gun owners through regulation and Congress must step in to prevent this
regulatory overreach.
Amy Swearer—Senior Legal Fellow at Heritage Foundation—testified how the actions of the ATF are directed by the Administration guiding them.
The Biden Administration’s regulatory attacks on law-abiding gun owners warrants congressional intervention to address its unchecked power: “ATF is not
inherently good or inherently bad. It depends in large part on who controls it and the ends for which its power is exerted…Congress should not undermine
ATF’s legitimate efforts to enforce federal laws and stop violent criminals but it should absolutely step in to restrict ATF’s discretion as to where it
should focus its efforts and how it should wield its vast regulatory powers.”
Matthew Larosiere—Partner at Zermay-Larosiere Law Group—discussed how the ATF’s flip flopping of enforcement affecting lawful gun ownership
has unleashed a torrent of legal issues which have harmed Americans for simply exercising their Second Amendment rights: “My experience has been representing
individuals and small businesses who have been caught up in some of the flip-floppery that the ATF has engaged in. Representing individuals and small businesses
who have had their lives shattered, their employees left jobless because of frankly innocent omissions that were characterized as intentional misconduct
by the ATF. What I’ve seen ATF doing in these prosecutions is extremely concerning. The threats imposed by ATF’s overreach are not theoretical, they are
very real.”
The ATF’s reversal of longstanding practice will force lawful gun owners to forfeit, destroy, or register their stabilizing brace and will subject
millions of Americans to possible felony liability and exorbitant fines if they don’t comply.
Alex Bosco—Founder and Inventor of the Stabilizing Brace—outlined how ATF’s final rule regulating his stabilizing brace, which was initially
invented for disabled Americans, is unjust and targets law-abiding citizens who have closely followed ATF guidance for years and will actually make pistol
shooting less safe: “The effects of this change are enormous, according to the ATF, millions of who have followed the ATF’s advice for the past decade
have unbeknownst to anyone been committing felony crimes. And ATF almost certainly underestimates thew scope of the impact of the rule. The effects of
ATF’s rule is to put out of business the industry that ATF itself fostered for ten years and punish consumers who relied on ATF’s prior decisions. Ironically,
this rule eliminates an important and widely adopted safety feature that will arguably make the sport of pistol shooting less safe.”
Intentionally Complicated?
At 52 pages, the intricate proposal is so lengthy and establishes such specific requirements that law-abiding citizens will have no idea if
their firearm is still legal.“Certain prerequisites,” the proposal reads, such as weapon weight and the overall length, “will be applied to determine if
the firearm will even be considered as a possible pistol or immediately determined to be a rifle.”
Furthermore, “design factors that are more likely to demonstrate a manufacturer’s ... intent to produce a ‘short-barreled rifle’ and market
it as a ‘braced pistol’ accrue more points than those that reveal less evidence.” A stabilizing brace that has accumulated too many points based on these
criteria will be deemed a rifle, and therefore unlawful. Not only is this formula complicated, but there seems to be another hitch. “The new factoring
system,” remarks the NRA-ILA, “seems designed to ensure that few, if any, firearms can meet the criteria.” Therefore, by classifying these braced pistols
as Short Barreled Rifles, one of the most highly regulated guns on the market, the federal government is forcing 10-40 million law-abiding gun owners to
surrender, destroy, or register their legal firearms ... or face felony charges.
Avoiding Centralized Power
Essentially, the ATF is able to add rules and reclassify weapons without holding a single vote in Congress. As a result, this significant assault
on the Second Amendment will not receive its due process. This is a conspicuous confiscation of power, and it’s precisely what America’s founding fathers
strove to avoid through the establishment of checks and balances. The Constitution’s authors designed the United States government as three separate branches:
the legislative, judicial, and executive. The legislative creates laws, the judicial determines their constitutionality, and the executive implements them.
In certain scenarios, each branch has the power to override the others and ensure that no branch of government is able to hold too much centralized
Unfortunately, through its unilateral proposal that would impact tens of millions of US gun owners, the ATF is violating the Separation of Powers
designed by the Constitution to limit government overreach and protect individual rights.
A Timeless Warning
In Federalist No. 48, James Madison warned that. “the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands,
whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
This is exactly what is happening today.
This stealth power grab should concern all Americans, even if they are outside the immediately-impacted gun community.
As Americans, we are ALL being threatened and attacked!
The following reminder to NOT JUST IGNORE THE OBVIOUS AND LOOK THE OTHER WAY, is from the book, (available online only)
Resistance to Tyrants, Obedience to God: The Mutual Influence of Religion and Reason at the American Founding (Lexington Books, 2013).
(begin quote) It comes as no surprise when the revolutionaries describe Barak and Deborah, (from the Book of Judges), who won the battle that
the Merozites dodged, in language preserved for virtuous republicans: the Israelite leaders were, “Worthies who had so nobly denied themselves to save
their distressed Country.” The inhabitants of Meroz presented a negative image of such republican disinterestedness: in their corrupt, anti-social and
anti-republican conduct, they preferred, “their petty interests to the general Good,” and their “secular Interest to the public Emolument.” Another commentator
wrote in 1774 that the inhabitants of Meroz, “instead of defending their country,” were the, “advocates for tyranny and oppression.” Referring to the Curse
of Meroz that commentator declared in the language of civic humanism with a Biblical twist, “that a person or people, that neglect to defend their country,
their religion and liberty, deserve to be cursed, or at least to be treated with neglect and contempt.”
Patriotic Americans thus found convenient, if totally unfounded in the biblical story, the view of the inhabitants of Meroz as, “dastardly,
low-spirited, and court sycophants,” who, “trembled at the power of Jabin (the Canaanite king,) and thought him invincible.” Meroz became an instructive
parable of a corrupt community, “so lost to all noble and generous feeing, that would not choose to die in the field of martial glory, rather than accept
such insulting terms of peace, or rather of misery.” Corruption led to slavery, and indeed by staying, “neuter,” the people of Meroz chose the remain,
“subjugated to the arbitrary will and disposal of a merciless tyranny.” The Curse of Meroz thus taught Americans a republican lesson, namely that, “God
himself abhors the sluggish Spirit, who tamely submits to the galling Yoke, and from a Slavish Love of Life, or a more iniquitous, Love of gold prefers
his own private Interest to the more permanent good of Posterity.
AH: The rest of this article can be found in the Scriptures for America Dragon Slayer Newsletter, Vol. 5, 2023. To receive it, email preacher@sfaw.org or call 307-742-7582.