Thursday, October 6, 2022


There have been a couple great Canadian novels that have come out this year where religion plays a prominent role and is looked upon favourably. Both novels also make great reads. However, neither of the religions featured in the two tomes under discussion are Christianity.

First, there's "Jameela Green Ruins Everything" from Zarqa Nawaz, the creator of the Canadian TV hit "Little Mosque on the Prairie." This book features Moslems who exhibit varying levels of faith in and practical application of their religion, while also discussing matters of Islamic practice, history, and the state of Moslems in the world today. This book is funny and gripping. Spoiler alert: One of the characters, a very lapsed Moslem at the beginning of the novel, regains her faith by the end.

The other book which came out this year and that I read recently is Susan Juby's "Mindful of Murder", a humourous mystery wherein the main character is a devout former Buddhist nun and where another character is a new, but eager Buddhist. The main character uses her faith to help her to solve the mystery and navigate the other challenges presented in the story.        

Now, my question is, why can't Christians write books this good? I mean, books that tell a well-written story, contain believable characters one can care about, feature smart and surprising plot twists, while also presenting the characters faith in Jesus as an integral part of the story and giving information about Christianity that seems like necessary background material rather than preaching.

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