Tuesday, July 5, 2022


This post is a response to a comment from a comment thread I follow on another blog. As what I wished to respond to in her comment didn't have anything to do with the topic of that particular blog, I have decided to respond to it here.

    "If you're a Christian and you're blathering about God, personal relationships with God, and blaspheming about (redacted) being a "sin" (yes even if you're redacted) do the world a favor, and SHUT THE FUCK UP! First of all, you don't know God. You do NOT have a personal relationship with god. You do not UNDERSTAND God. The fact that God created man in his image is so poorly misunderstood so let me remind you ignorant bastards of some facts.

God is unknowable, unfathomable, and ineffable to the puny human mind. Your brains are literally not equipped to be able to HANDLE witnessing God for more than a few precious moments. You aren't walking with God everywhere you go. God is already everywhere. God doesn't give a fuck if you masturbate, and in fact is okay with you masturbating unless you're hurting yourself, or someone else. Idolatry? Fucking really? You're concerned with Idolatry in the 21st Century? Get a fucking grip! God occupies space across the cosmos. Across all of time, and space, and many different dimensions. They're way too busy being fucking everything to give the faintest of fucks if you are, or are not (redacted.) Sin is harmful, and this is not. Stop proselytizing, and preaching about the whims or wants of a God so supreme that it is INSULTING to them to suggest that they care if you jerk yourself off. It's far more offensive to murder, or rape, or torture than it is to masturbate, or abort a fetus that isn't even self aware. Stop being so pathetic." 

    First of all, you are mistaken about the nature of God. While He (not "they" as if being the woke God) is infinite, God is in fact knowable to man and perfectly capable of having a personal relationship with mankind. In fact, that is why humans were created in the first place: to be with God in a voluntary, worshipful, personal, intimate relationship.

Second, because of this, God does care about everything we do, although not in the legalistic way many Christians would have you believe.

Third, idolatry is a very real thing, even in the twenty-first century. People around the world still worship idols of wood and stone, and many other people make idols out of things that were not expressly created as idols the way the wooden and stone articles were. Examples of the latter include celebrities, alcohol, drugs, the topic of the blog I originally copied the above comment from, and even things like family and relationships with others depending on how someone views them.

To return to my first point, this infinite, omnipresent, yet relational and knowable God provided a means of restoring the relationship humanity was originally meant to have with Him by, 2000 years ago, sending Himself down to Earth in the form of the Son and second person of the trinity, Jesus Christ, to provide a means of reconciliation for us once and for all by shedding His blood for our sins. I would urge you and anyone else reading this to take advantage of that forgiveness and reconciliation provided. To find out how to specifically do this, see the Book of Acts in the Bible, chapter 2, verse 38.

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