Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Psalm 146

Today, people, especially the citizens of my noncountry of Canada, worship the government over, and as if government is, God. This psalm warns us not to do this. Son of man in verse 3 means mankind, not Jesus, whom the phrase "Son of Man" describes elsewhere in the Bible.

Politicians are just mortal men and women like you and me.

God created everything and lives forever. This makes Him the only one in which humanity can truly put their hope.

Manmade government is horribly corrupt. The innocent get locked up for huge amounts of time and the scum of the earth walk free, in certain cases, deliberately. Programs to feed the hungry and help the poor in other ways often result in more of the money allocated for the program going to its administration and only a small amount gets turned into something that can fill a hungry stomach. 

Governments act like their healthcare systems are the greatest thing since the sliced bread that too little of is feeding the poor, but these healthcare systems become problem-plagued morasses and, often, no real healing takes place. Governments act like they'll solve all the people's problems, but often the people who can barely afford it end up paying more in taxes and owing their taxes in addition to whatever expenses and debts they already needed to pay. Manmade governments don't often reward godly righteousness as Romans 13 1-7 says they are to do, but they punish the righteous and reward evildoers, such as by approving same sex marriage and other so-called LGBT rights.

The Lord is the one who truly looks out for the imigrant and the refugee, being high above and able to overcome any problems foreigners might have with the system. Governments offer help to children without parents and benefits to those whose husbands have died, but this provision is often inadequate, and these governments are not providing anything God didn't create anyway. The world of the wicked will be turned upside down someday very soon.

The worldly, wicked system will be replaced by God's kingdom on Earth, which will last forever and ever, never to be usurped, overthrown or voted out of office.


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