Saturday, December 25, 2021


Sue Tyler, you perfumed your bed, now lie in it.

That Santa on "Here and Now"  yesterday was something else. He sounded like a hoser who couldn't wait to get off the phone so he could crack open his first beer of the day.

A couple weeks ago Wolf Peterborough, yet again, you couldn't find a replacement host for "All Request Saturday Night", the only decent thing on your station.

Was listening to KGLT from Helena, Montana Thursday afternoon. Sounded like an awesome station.

Was also listening to the emergency railway frequency from Bozeman the same afternoon.

Also listened to the K-Love affiliate from that region of Montana. Glad they didn't deluge their listeners in Christmas music the way UCB Canada did.

The commercial for the Military Families Resource Centre that recently aired on 91x Belleville shouldn't have listed loving kids as a qualification for its early childhood educator position. You shouldn't go into ECE because you "Love kids" since there will always be that child who is hard, if not next to impossible to love.

I suspect the vast majority of Bill Cunningham's Sunday night show is pre-recorded.

Listened to UCB Belleville last Thursday. Looks like they've gotten rid of their teaching programs and filled evenings with a nationally syndicated show sent to stations ala John Tesh. I heard about nothing local except for commercials and a weather forecast. I heard a recording concerning one of the winners of their current contest, but as I listened I realized it was from their Chatham station. Pretty disappointing for a station which I thought when I heard about it coming to Belleville twenty years ago was going to present a lot of unique and local programming focused on Christ. Incidentally, had to turn 'er off when "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch" came on.

Apparently, "Saturday Night Blues" is gone from CBC Radio as well.

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