Thursday, January 23, 2025


The following is a message from an email list my friend, and sometime guest poster, forwarded me:

Thanks for asking this question, Mich! There are a number of early silent shorts that have been audio described by students in my Accessible Cinema class at DePaul University. They've turned out really well, and I'd love for them to find an audience. They are collected as two Vimeo Showcases, which I'm adding links to below: 


The Audio Described Silent Films of Georges Méliès

This link contains audio described versions of A Trip to the Moon, Early Shorts, and The Kingdom of Fairies


The Audio Described Silent Films of Edison Motion Pictures 

This link contains audio described versions of The Great Train Robbery, Frankenstein, and Jack and the Beanstalk 


I'm currently on the hunt for another trio of silent film shorts for my students to describe when the class is offered again next Fall. If anyone on this list would like to nominate silent shorts in need of AD, please don't hesitate to let me know!




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