Friday, July 26, 2024


A California school district compelled high school freshmen to audit their �privileged� identities and present on �systems of oppression,� documents first obtained by Parents Defending Education reveal and exclusively shared with The Daily Wire. 'Victimhood mentality' is 'poisoning the minds of children,' one critic tells The Daily Wire By �Spencer Lindquist � Jul 25, 2024� � California�s Alameda Unified School District�s ethnic studies curriculum required students to assess their own level of privilege as they were taught Critical Race Theory and extreme gender theory. Students were given handouts including �My Relationship with Privilege and Oppression,� which purports to tell students �whether you are privileged or oppressed.� White, male, Christian students without a criminal record are singled out as the epitome of privilege. The document lists 29 different identities and characteristics�including race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, religion and education level�that are used to determine one�s alleged level of privilege or marginalization. �Who am I as an intersectional human being,� it asks students.Another assignment, called �A Map of Myself,� asks students to audit their own identities, categorizing each as a �position of privilege or marginalization.� �For each identity domain � consider if it puts you in a position of privilege or marginalization,� the assignment reads before asking students to list their race, ethnicity, biological sex, sexual orientation, and religion. Footnotes cite "anti-racist" author Robin DiAngelo and argue that �race is a socially constructed system.� �Considering all your social identities listed in the table above, on a daily basis, which ones are you most aware or conscious of?� the assignment inquires before going on to ask what �the most negative or difficult� thing about that identity is. The documents appear to be representative of the course writ large. An ethnic studies course syllabus divides the class into four sections, including �power and oppression,� which focuses on �who creates the master narrative and how that impacts the lived experiences of different groups� by creating the �understanding that laws & policies are not objective." �Individuals obsessed with forcing this oppressor vs. oppressed paradigm are poisoning the minds of children,� Parents Defending Education senior adviser Michele Exner told The Daily Wire. �They want to perpetuate a victimhood mentality based on how many ideological boxes someone can check off. What they should be teaching is math, reading, writing, and history�all subjects that will actually help students of all backgrounds excel instead of pushing this divisive content in classrooms.� Students are expected to �identify social systems that structure and perpetuate power, privilege, and oppression� and �identify how identities intersect to create power, privilege, and oppression.� The syllabus also details a portion of the course titled �resistance and liberation,� which centers on the �history of resisting oppression as carried out by the oppressed groups themselves,� a theme that supposedly �directly challenges the �White Savior� narrative.� Course vocabulary terms include �white supremacy,� �white privilege,� �microaggressions,� and �colonized mind.� Another assignment required students to study the �Four I�s Of Oppression": "ideological, institutional, interpersonal, and internalized� oppression. The assignment required groups of students to draw on those "Four I's" to make a slideshow on �white supremacy, patriarchy, heteronormativity, or cisnormativity.� One course document indicates that students partook in a �privilege walk,� an exercise in which participants form a line and take steps forwards or backwards depending on their response to a series of questions. The exercise is intended to indicate the level of privilege each person supposedly has relative to each other. �In your own words, describe the emotions and thoughts you experienced during the privilege walk. How has it challenged or confirmed your perceptions of privilege and inequality?� Students were also asked to write an essay on successful political organizing strategies, including how leftwing movements �use grassroots organizing and social media to be successful.� Students could choose from a list of leftist movements to discuss, including Black Lives Matter and the Black Panthers. Alameda Unified School District did not respond to a request for comment.

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