Monday, April 24, 2023


Two pre-pubescent boys pretending to be radio announcers with one doing most of the talking. Station was called "CKBY-FM." A sports report with reference to real life CKWS Kingston sports anchor Max Jackson followed by a commercial for cat food. This was followed by a weather report which included "Alberta, Saskatchewan and them countries." Then more fake commercials for dog food, Charlie's Tuna, and a mental institution, telling how to get into it. Then the news including fictitious movie star having a heart attack, a girl being killed by a car on a bicycle and having to posthumously pay 5 thousand dollars to repair the five dollars worth of damage she caused the vehicle, Ayatollah Khomeini being assasinated (referring to him as a d***head), Eskimoes wanting all the snow gone from the east where they live and being stupid, an item about intercontinental balistic missiles, then into more supposed news stories but sounded like he was reading from a children's book of facts talking about Cardinal Richelieu and nebulae among other things. 

Later, the second kid, Robbie, who had helped deliver the sports and the weather, told jokes, sounding like he was reading from a joke book. The main kid then announced the upcoming song was Olivia Newton John's "Make a Move on Me" thus dating this tape to 1981. 

Later, the same main kid reading commercials which sounded like he was reading pamphlets or something of the kind. One was for a food dehydrator, another for Hunt's tomato sauce and the third for a cold medicine with mention of the drugstore in the town where I live.

Later on the tape, a younger kid teasing another kid named Greg about being a baby. An older, possibly third, kid said "As long as you don't wear that to school."

On the other side of the tape, TV audio from "The Young and the Restless" possibly from December 31, 1981.

Break 1: Sani-Flush, promo "The Allen Thick Show" on CTV.   

Kid from side A making weird noises into the microphone over the TV.

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