Tuesday, December 6, 2022


Not the Bee


A Paralympian veteran wanted a wheelchair lift installed, Canada offered her assisted suicide instead.

Mister Retrops

Dec 5, 2022 · NottheBee.com


When 52-year-old retired corporal Christine Gauthier, who competed in the 2016 Paralympics, asked for a wheelchair lift to be installed in her home, the Canadian Veterans Affairs office countered with a letter offering to send her a medically-assisted suicide kit.


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Fox News


Canada offered assisted suicide to a Paralympian veteran who wanted a wheelchair lift installed: report

4:36 PM · Dec 4, 20224:36 PM · Dec 4, 2022

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The letter read,


If you're so desperate, madam, we can offer you MAID, medical assistance in dying.


Gauthier is one of five other veterans who testified before the House of Commons veterans affairs committee about receiving offers of the MAID kits rather than the medical services they need.


Even the hyper-left prime minister Justin Trudeau condemned the actions:


"We are following up with investigations and we are changing protocols to ensure what should seem obvious to all of us: that it is not the place of Veterans Affairs Canada, who are supposed to be there to support those people who stepped up to serve their country, to offer them medical assistance in dying," Trudeau said.


Canada first legalized medically assisted suicide in 2016 for those facing imminent death, but in 2023, MAID will be legal for anyone with pain or disabilities, and the Canadian healthcare system is pushing the snot out of it as a cheaper option to just about every medical treatment.


Just last week, a Canadian fashion company celebrated the change in a commercial:


Canadian retailer Simons made a viral ad promoting assisted suicide. Seriously. When you go viral for all the sick, dystopian wrong reasons:


I can't help but think about that time that Sarah Palin opposed Obama's Affordable Care Act and said, The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society.'


She brought that idea back to the forefront in 2020 during the pandemic too:


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Sarah Palin


Death Panels. See what I meant? So what if you like your doctor... you’re still SOL. So Obamacare rules better be scrapped ASAP; politicians step aside before it’s too late; let medical experts work unhindered. Then, the fearless America we know will prevail. America Strong! -SP

11:59 AM · Mar 14, 202011:59 AM · Mar 14, 2020

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But see, death panels would have suggested some sort of actual compassionate recognition of the value of human life that requires some deliberation on the part of the Left.


Instead, there's just a nameless, faceless bureaucrat denying healthcare and mailing out suicide kits.



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