Monday, August 1, 2022


Are you the kind of person who is able to decide something in the time that it takes to snap your fingers, or are you more known for thinking things through and considering the consequences?

I read of a man who got in the back of his friend’s pickup truck following a rugby match, fell asleep, and woke up in hospital.  The truck was hit by a drunk driver sending him through the back of the cab, out the front windshield, and off the other car.  He suffered serious life changing injuries, but he was the only survivor.  

You might remember this story from my blog about what drives you.

When I was roughly 15-years-old I was horribly bullied at school, and when you don’t have people around to take your side you get really depressed.  It was actually around three weeks after my 15th birthday when I decided that life was no longer worth living.  I was born with a heart defect, and knew where it was, I also knew where my dad kept the steak knives.  I had heard there was away to cut the defect to create the most hemorrhage to create quick death.  

The moment I lifted the knife to my chest my sister, then 13 walked in asking, “What the blank are you doing?”  

I was honest, and responded, “I hate my life, no one’s going to miss me.” I stood there gripping the knife tighter. 

“Put the knife down!” my sister exclaimed. 

“No, I don’t want to be here anymore.”  

My sister looked at me, and said, “I will tell our parents.”  She moved slightly closer, “Put the knife down Gill!” she pleaded. 

“If I do, please don’t tell Mom and Dad.”  

I put down the steak knife, but my sister didn’t keep her end of the promise. At dinner she blurted out, “Gill tried to commit suicide this afternoon!”  

I was angry, but now, because of her quick thinking, I’m here today.

We seem to think we can do things completely sans help, but we can’t.  When one chooses Jesus they are no longer drowning in their previous lives.  Self seems to die off like a neglected gangrenous limb, and life, though not always smooth is all the better.


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