Saturday, May 7, 2022


Saying that a fetus is not a human being is like saying that a seed does not become a seedling once fertilized and that is not the beginning of a plant or a tree so therefore we do not need seedlings to have trees, or that a pregnant female dog is not going to have pups that grow into dogs but that they will still be nothing more than a clump of cells.

My body my choice. It is not your body but it is your choice. God provided us with a human body of His creation and also granted us freewill and choice which means He allows you to make the wrong choice. Only by turning to Him through Jesus Christ, repenting and becoming a follower of His truth can God forgive all sin, even murder for personal gain.

Row v. Wade can only be a lie of Satan because killing the developing human inside a woman's body can be for any reason.

The true mental, physical and emotional trauma begins after the act of abortion has happened. The child is murdered in order to feed the evil appetite that has deceived you.


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