Monday, November 15, 2021


Proverbs 29

    v1: 1 Thessalonians 5 3 

v11: Again, stupid people prattle on and on, but wise people know the right time to speak.

v15: Though rod doesn't necessarily imply corporal punishment, it doesn't rule it out, either.

v18: This verse is quoted often, and I'm not saying there isn't some truth to the way it's usually interpreted. However, I think the real meaning of this verse is that someone who keeps God's law has a clear view of how to live their day-to-day life, but someone who just does their own thing will only end up dying and winding up in Hell.

v20: People who are impulsive and don't think before acting are as annoying, if not more so, than genuinely stupid people.

v25: Jeremiah 17 5

v27: Christians and unbelievers really have totally separate worldviews. In reality, the unbeliever is the wicked one, whereas unbelievers regard Christians as wicked, i.e. exclusive, unloving, bigoted, etc.

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