Friday, March 12, 2021




It is not true the only factor affecting the spread of pathogens like Corona viruses is density, since it is impossible to completely isolate every individual and have society function and work..

The spread of any pathogen or germ is also based on the ability of the immune system to form ANTIBODIES against the germ so it is at the OPTIMUM level. Thus, if you are exposed to the virus or germ you will, either eliminate it from your body altogether or if you DO get sick, lessen the effect of the disease, and recover..

Eg : My wife and I have been tested, twice a year, through a broad spectrum blood test for Vitamin D3, the sunshine vitamin, taken by LIFE LABS and we were both found to be below acceptable levels. Credible research shows that many people, especially elderly ones have insufficient levels of Vit. D3. (40+ in US according to Dr. Fauci, , pandemic Task Force lead.)

We were taking 1000 IU at the time . It took 3000 IU to get it to optimum level. I take 4000 IU in drops ,just to be sure because I am 80 years old and my ability to absorb it is down. Many North American doctors do not recommend more than 400-1000 IU. My French baby grand daughter was given 6000 IU by their conventional Medical doctor.

My wife , a former head nurse, also gives us an injection of Vitamin B12 to increase our level of energy among other benefits.

My question is, why the absolute SILENCE from everyone regarding this issue? The Media, the Politicians, the Conventional Medical community , the WHO, and the Task Forces of both N.A. countries.

An argument I have heard from some medical experts, is that there is doubt that known natural methods , such as eg Vitamin D3 or C , will help to fight the Covid-19 virus ,so why recommend it. What absolute nonsense!! There certainly is enough strong epidemiological, research and anecdotal evidence to suggest that certainly vitamin D3 might be a factor. After all there is a reason for having a FLU, and COLD season when there is less exposure to the sun.

If there are no known serious side effects with acceptable doses, what have we got to lose?

We certainly know that even if a remedy does not fight the Covid-19 virus it often will fight other disease causing pathogens helping to form antibodies thus increasing the chance of survival from Covid -19 . We all know that most deaths have occurred to persons with preexisting conditions, particularly elderly people in nursing homes who have little or no access to sunshine and often lack adequate care and nutrition.

The powers that be just have to say " until an effective vaccine is available, do what you can to strengthen your immune system". They don't even have to advise how to do it, Although there are many effective ways of doing so and are successfully employed by Naturopathic doctors. And why are we willing to watch people die (nearly 1/4 million in US to date and rapidly growing} rather than mention strengthening the immune system?

My wife and I are disease free at the moment, and we are both elderly ,with I being over eighty. Whenever we have caught something, the effects are minimal compared to most others.

By the way, even if a vaccine is made available by the time it is ready for distribution, in my opinion, it most likely will be too late because the Covid-19 will have passed through the population and anyone alive may have acquired natural herd immunity by forming antibodies. We have the experience of the Spanish flu in 1918-19 killing between 40-100 million people worldwide ,most in the first 4 weeks. Anyone left alive obviously had natural immunity or were never exposed. Also we do not know the long term effect of a vaccine or antiviral which has been fast tracked. Once again we humans become the guinea pigs.

In the mean time, we have spent billions of dollars which could be, in my opinion, much better spent on preventative methods and study of natural ways of strengthening the ability of the immune system to form antibodies , purchasing PPEs. and hiring more trained personnel to man the ventilators. We do not have a shortage of ICU beds but a shortage of trained personnel willing to work. This is a fact. We can easily form field hospitals as they do in the military.

By the way I am not anti-Vaccine or anti-Conventional Medicine, Both have their uses.

I AM anti-Vaccines and other Pharmaceuticals that have not had independent oversight,verification studies or been tested long enough which is , in my opinion, many of the new ones coming on to the market. And I abhor any attempt to have sole control in both areas.

I urge you to do your own research by GOOGLING credible sources and read WHAT PART OF NO DONT YOU UNDERSTAND , a book by Helke Ferie, Bsc.,MSc ,one of Canada's foremost Medical Journalists, author of many books on health issues, especially ethics in medicine, founder of Quan-Yin Foundation, an adoption agency, specializing in foreign adoptions.

Respectfully yours: Christian Bertelsen, BscF, HSSC, ( biology specialist), Madoc, On., 

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