My comments are in parenthesis.
LIFE 100.3’s new billboards are stopping traffic in Barrie. In the wake of the Simcoe County District School Board’s decision to remove references to Judeo-Christian
values from its moral code, LIFE 100.3 wanted to respond. (Nothing can be Judeo-Christian. It’s kind of like talking about a virgin whore.)
LIFE 100.3 bought six billboard locations throughout Barrie with the message “No Jesus in Barrie Public Schools? We have Jesus on the Radio.” (Yes, get some shameless self-promotion in there.) LIFE 100.3’s
Breakfast Club hosted a call in show and was flooded with calls from listeners with their response to the decision.
Morning show host Ben Davy said, “With all the challenges that students and teachers already face in our public schools, to think that the Simcoe County
District School Board would take the initiative to remove references to Judeo-Christian values from it's moral code is a shock. (Why would it be a shock? Remove the values, the situation at the schools gets worse, the schoolboard gets to put in more rules and throw more of its weight around, which is what it wanted all along.) It's not about forcing
a religion on people. (Why shouldn’t we force our religion on people, you wimp? This is our country, founded on Christian principles. If people don’t like that, they can leave.) When we look at the teachings of Christ, we see 'Love your neighbour as yourself, turn the other cheek, forgive and you will be forgiven'...Are
these not values we want to install in all of our children - religious or otherwise? (First of all, that should be instill. Second, you and many parents may want to INSTILL these values in your children, but did you ever think that maybe the schoolboard doesn’t?) These are values that are not exclusive to Christianity - they are
consistent with nearly every faith group, and even among the many who hold no religious views at all." (How do you know that? Have you studied other religions. Haven’t you figured out that it’s not about what you or any of the parents want? It’s about what the people in control want. If they can remove references to Christian moral values, then they will be able to bring order out of the chaos that ensues.)
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