Tuesday, August 4, 2009


It has been revealed, first by the website Chicago Breaking News and then by Alex Jones’s website that currently incarcerated internet radio broadcaster Hal Turner is an FBI informant.

Looking back on it, the signs were there all along, not so much that you would necessarily cotton on to his being an FBI informant right away, but present enough that you can definitely see it in hindsight. Hindsight is 20/20 after all.

First, Turner advocated violence. Every story was “let’s kill this person, let’s kill that person.” While I do think that most of the people he opined deserved to be killed over the years do deserve to be killed, and while I would welcome a little violence at some point in the future, calling for violence as much as Turner did isn’t the way to go about it. If Turner had said, “Let’s kill so-and-so” and somebody actually did it, the weak, dumbed-down public would say, “Oh there’s so much violence. All these people are killing all these other people. Will I be next? Government, please help me.”

Then the government would declare martial law and get to implement their New World Order even faster than they had planned.

Second, there were a bunch of things that were supposed to happen but didn’t. In 2002, Turner broadcast a message from a patriot group saying, “July 4, 2002 is U.S. Independence Day. Place your chicken in the pot.” (It was supposed to be in code. Yeah, like that message is really hard to figure out.) Of course, on July 4, 2002 nothing happened.

In 2007, Hal Turner said that starting in January 2008; white people would start lynching blacks again. This didn’t happen.

Turner also said that he had planned something for the inauguration of Barack Obama but nothing happened.

People say, “Oh, he was an FBI informant years and years ago” or “His enemies are just making that up.”

If Turner foiled a plot to assassinate Obama, then he had to have been an informant up to at least fairly recently.

If his own defense lawyer said he was an informant, then it’s probably true. Hal wouldn’t make up crazy things to try and get off, even if you factor in that he’s been in solitary for five weeks.

Maybe Turner was working both sides of the street, helping the white supremacist cause while at the same time informing the FBI on some things in order to make a few extra bucks. In 2007, he spoke about conducting the “Detroit operation” after a rally he held in Kalamazoo. He also talked about people he knew killing bankers, for example the 74-year old German billionaire that “threw himself under a train” last December or January.

Either way, Hal Turner has ruined his life. He might be sent up the river or he could die in jail. If he beats these charges, he can never host a radio show again because he has now admitted to being an FBI informant. The best he could hope for is a quiet life in North Bergen, selling real estate or plowing driveways or whatever.

Click the link above to see the story on Alex Jones’s website, which contains a link to the original Chicago Breaking News story.


Anonymous said...

Dude, if you're going to write a blog please learn to fucking spell!

There's enough illiteracy around without you contributing to it...I suspect you're American? LMFAO!!

Peace from Canada !

Anonymous said...

Well fuck me dead !

I just read your profile only to find out you're Canadian and in Ontario at that.

Do me a fucking favor dude...please write your blog entries in MS Word first, do a spell-check and when all is good copy and paste the text to your blog.

Being from Ontario and 25 years old is no fucking excuse for your atrocious and blatant inability to spell properly...

Peace from British Columbia !!!

Alex Horton said...

I ran a spellcheck. It didn't help very much.

Anonymous said...

A websearch of white groups turns up that Hal Turner is universally scorned and disassociated. Even Turner used the "white" label on and off, like a yo-yo, to draw attention, but Turner has always been just a Charles-Manson wannabee.

Turner's wife recently branded the proprietor of the White Reference website a "snake," for posting a graphic of a rat labeled "Hal Turner." So much for the "white" fling. Turner is just a psycho loner, lacking even the "family" that Manson had.