Tuesday, February 25, 2025


OK, here’s another batch of Twitter posts I found interesting and would like to share for anyone who’d like to read them:


Sunny Verified account @sunnyright: Chiefs getting beat worse than my meat in high school.


Jim Geraghty Verified account @jimgeraghty: This is a tough night for Chiefs fans, but the Taylor Swift album that comes out of this is going to be EPIC.


Anthony Verified account @omgitsbirdman: Thank you Kendrick Lamar! For years I have been paralyzed stuck in a wheel chair. But when u started performing at the halftime show I gained the strength to get up and turn that trash ass music off! Thank you Mr. Lamar for all you do for the disabled community!


ned hardy @sargentned: Imagine your uncle is Kanye and Travis Scott, your aunt is Kylie Kim Khloe Kourtney Kendall, your grandma is Kris Jenner AND Tokyo Toni AND Caitlyn Jenner, your mom is literally Blac Chyna. This person exists.


Hannah Cox Verified account @HannahDCox: Canada threatening war with the US is akin to when your toddler packs a bag and threatens to runaway lol.


Kaeley Triller Verified account @KaeleyT: In the history of the world, when has a fascist takeover ever begun with an exhaustive audit of government spending?


Bonchie Verified account @bonchieredstate: The press spent years promoting the condemnation of court rulings by Democrats during the Biden administration. Not once did they scoff that such condemnations constitute tyranny. Their teeth-gnashing over JD Vance is performative nonsense.


Sunny Verified account @sunnyright: ADA is making sure a public building has a wheelchair ramp. DEI is insisting that we pay queer wheelchair users to consult on making sure the ramp includes a plaque noting it’s constructed on previously Indigenous land.


Sunny Verified account @sunnyright: Wheelchair ramps are equal access. Demanding that historically marginalized communities get priority access to the wheelchair ramp, and get hired as well-paid consultants as a form of moral reparations, is equity.


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Rachel Schlueter @kinderrach: Gregg Abbott, the governor of Texas, using the wheelchair access infrastructure, built because of inclusivity policies, to get to his office and sign a bill dismantling DEI is peak brain rot.


Connie Shaw Verified account @_ConnieShaw: A man has told me to gouge my eyes out if I ‘don’t want to see trans people’. I have never interacted with him before. Turns out he’s the top goal scorer on a woman’s football team at Royal Holloway University.


Noam Blum Verified account @neontaster: People also credit their parents when they win but don’t blame them when they lose.


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Neil deGrasse Tyson Verified account @neiltyson: Curious that talented athletes frequently credit God when they win, but we rarely see them blame God when they lose.


Kristin Turner @KristinForLife: I was on campus at CSU San Bernardino earlier this week doing anti-abortion outreach. A guy flipped me off and yelled “I wish you had been aborted!” I told him “You wish I had been healthcared? If abortion is a right why do you use it as an insult?”


David M Friedman Verified account @DavidM_Friedman: If reports are true about USAID, not only did it fund Hamas terror activity (including a concrete factory used to build terror tunnels), but its support gave Hamas leaders — many of whom apparently were ready to surrender by December 2023 — the means and the confidence to continue the war and withhold the hostages. If these facts are born out, those knowingly advancing these USAID functions should be prosecuted.


Christina Dalcher Verified account @CV_Dalcher: Okay. It’s time to talk about the difference between BANNING a book & Labeling a book INAPPROPRIATE for kids Because, truly, I am sick of this wah-wah-wah-ing over the fact that some books, no matter how well written ore noteworthy, just aren’t meant for children.


Max 📟 Verified account @MaxNordau: Palestinian Arab terrorists have convinced themselves that their continued existence is the result of their sheer will and not the result of endless diplomatic coddling, billions of dollars in aid, and Israeli restraint.


Frank J. Fleming Verified account @IMAO_: We tried live and let live with adult trans people and we learned that stuff that nutty needs to be loudly denounced or people get the idea it isn't nuts and it spreads. Men can say they're women. People can say the earth is flat. But sensible people should respond with, "No.

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