Thursday, January 20, 2022



Has Religion
Helped Disarm America?
          For the last several decades in America, Christians have been hearing certain select key Bible phrases when it comes to the subject of firearms and self-defense.
Such phrases as "Love Thy Neighbor," "Turn the other check" and "Thou shalt not kill." The result has been the equating of Christianity with pacifism. It's not too hard to accept this false doctrine of pacifism when there are no more scalping Indians on the plains, as in the 1800's, or conquering, murdering Muslim invaders, about to destroy the Christian civilization, as it was in 732 A.D.
But many Christian Americans are taking a second look at the teaching of pacifism in light of a world-wide cancer called 'communism,' which has grown up to their shores and weakened the inner fabric of their country.
They had better take a second look in light of the vicious hatred the communists have toward the Christian faith. 
 Such hatred and atrocities have been recorded in many volumes of testimony made before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in Washington, D.C. The space of this brief article does not permit a complete printing, but a sample of that hatred can be observed in their following statement made by Gus Hall in 1961, who at the time was president of the American Communist Party (Mr. Hall's Jewish name was Hallberg). 
"I dream of the hour when the last Congressman is strangled to death with the guts of the last preacher.....and since the Christians seem to love to sing about blood, why not give them a little of it? Slit the throats of their children and drag them over the mourners' bench and the pulpit and allow them to drown In their own blood; and then see whether they enjoy singing these hymns.' 
For those of you who think you'll be raptured away, there is no need for you to read on, but remember the multiple millions of Christians starved, tortured and murdered by the communists who no longer believe such a lie called rapture! 
In his book entitled, The Life of American Jew in Racist, Marxist Israel, Jack Bernstein states on page 35,
"If the Zionists ever succeed in imposing gun control on the American people, there will be nothing to stop them from complete take over in America."
 Josef Stalin said, "If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves." Believe it or not, the Communists have been disarming us by infiltrating the American churches.
Former Congressman James B. Utt, from California once said, "With a dedicated patience communists have long ago infiltrated the seminaries....and now there are communists in clerical garb at all levels of religion." The writings of Karl Prussian more than confirm this statement. Karl Prussian spent 26 years of his life in the Communist Party, twelve years of which was spent as a volunteer agent for the FBI.  He himself was offered a scholarship by the Communist Party to attend Union Theological Society in New York City to be made a Methodist minister.  
Isn't it interesting that in this same period of history of communist infiltration, the Christian pacifist doctrine emerges even though the past history of Christianity has never been one of Pacifism? We are not saying everyone who believes a Christian should be a pacifist is a communist. Many are sincere people who are repeating what they have been taught. The Anti-Christ knows that dupes can be as or more effective than dedicated communists.
Do let it be understood that anyone who wishes to disarm you, jeopardizes the life, liberty and property of you and your family! Jesus said in Luke 11:21 and 22;
When a strong man FULLY ARMED guards his own homestead, his possessions are undisturbed but when someone stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he relied and distributes his plunder."
Notice, when FULLY ARMED, the man's life and household are undisturbed, that is, he has peace.
Mr. Wesley Millian, who was once a missionary in Asia, used to lecture on how the Communists, for the first ninety days, were so nice as they collected all weapons from the people. After all the weapons were collected he said, "then at the end of 90 days we learned the difference between the theoretical communism and bolshevism terror!"
Remember Luke 11: 21 and 22 and Mr. Millian's testimony the next time someone like a pious reverend or do­-gooder politician tells you that you shouldn't have a hand gun! Also remember that evil intentions are almost always cloaked in good.
Jesus said, Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Christians need to know that they are not to live by the sword (Mathew 26:52) but just as importantly they need to know they are not to live without one. Jesus told his disciples in Luke 22:36;
Let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one.
Remember, a sword then was equivalent to a six-shooter in the 1800's and an AR or 1911 today! 
Jesus also told His disciples to teach us all that He had taught them (Mathew 28:20). That is why history shows Christians had weapons. In spite of the fact that we have been made to believe that all Christians passively walked out into the arenas to be fed to lions, in the first century they were fighting for their lives. The following is taken from pages 86 and 87 of The Drama the Lost Disciples by George F. Jowett.
"Despite the fact that the Romans were the implacable foe of the British, and sought by every means at their command in their vicious hatred to exterminate the Christian faith at its source, they held the British warriors in high esteem, holding that their religion was the reason for their fearlessness in battle and disdain of death.
Julius Caesar wrote, (circa 54 B.C.): 'They make the immortality of the soul the basis of all their teaching, holding it to be the principal incentive and reason for a victorious life, believing in the immortality of the soul they were careless of death.’
Lucarus, A. D. 38, writes in Pharsalia that the  Britons' indifference to death was the result of their religious beliefs, and Pomponius Mela, A.D. 41, in his works, describes the British warrior in astonishment. He also describes the extraordinary bravery of the Britons to their religious doctrine, based on immortality of the soul.

Remnant, never give up your guns!
Whole Body Health

 From the Scriptures for America Dragon Slayer Newsletter, 2022, Vol. 1.

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