Tuesday, October 30, 2012


The verse in 1 Corinthians 13 that contains the phrase "if I speak in the tongues of men and angels" isn't saying that we can speak in a Heavenly language. What Paul is saying is if he could talk in a language that only angels spoke and understood but didn't have love for his fellow man, it would be in vain.

Where in the Bible does anyone "sing in the Spirit?" Ditto "groaning in the Spirit?"

Where in the Bible is smoke a sign of the presence of God?

Satan is the God of this world system. However, Jesus Christ bought back the world, as in the planet on the cross with His blood.

We pray for things because God wants our participation. He does things, but our duty in this matter is to ask Him first. The Bible does also say God can do nothing on His own initiative, either can't or doesn't, I forget what the verse actually says.

The Lord knows the things we need before we ask so we shouldn't pray for the necesities of life. The phrase in the Lord's prayer "give us this day our daily bread" means "give us our Spiritual bread, knowledge and wisdom and understanding from God."

Hagan twists the verse about "in the mouth of two or three witnesses let all things be established" to mean that if you can twist two or three scriptures or one scripture and a so-called word from the Lord then that proves what you're saying.

Where in the Bible does it say you'll know when your done praying when you have a "note of victory?"

Acts 2 38 means that when you repent and are baptised you'll have the Holy Spirit. It is not referring to a "baptism of the Holy Spirit" where one of the initial signs is speaking in tongues.

If these tongues that these Pentacostals speak in are "God's language", then wouldn't they have common words? Someone should study a whole bunch of these different tongues. I'd suspect they wouldn't find a common word in even two of them. If tongues in Heavenly language are talking to God, shouldn't they all have a common word meaning "the Most High God" like the tetrogrammaton?

I suspect some if not many of the stories Hagan told were apocryphal.

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