Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Dear Craig,
I was at your session at the 2009 Promise Keepers Conference in Mississauga on Saturday. I found your talk very interesting and I think your ministry is doing a wonderful thing.

However, your talk did cause me to have some disturbing thoughts.

First, you said that recently three ministers have been kicked out of churches in Los Vegas for being addicted to porn. I just wonder what caused these men to become so addicted to porn in the first place. The few times I have accidentally looked up porn, I have been horrified and have prayed fervently that the Lord would help me not to look up this stuff again. If I were a pastor, alone in my office and I purposely looked up porn, I would be so filled with remorse and pray to the Lord for forgiveness. At what point in the process of these men's addiction did they not try to reach out for help.

God said he would write his law on our hearts. I can only think that a lot of these pastors were never really saved to begin with. Most churches don't teach the Bible plan of salvation, which according to Acts 2 38 is "repent and be baptised" not "accept Jesus Christ as your personal saviour" or "ask him into your heart."

Women need to pray for their husbands constantly that they won't be tempted and fall into sexual sin while they're away at work.

Another thought that crossed my mind concerning pastors and other people who have been Christians for a long time getting addicted to pornography was that everything wasn't all right with these men's sex lives. A practical tip is that, if possible, these men should maybe try to have sex in the morning before they go to work. I think a certain amount of these kinds of sexual sins result from the level of testosterone being at it's highest point in the day when these men go to work.

An additional reason for the prevalence of addiction to pornography among Christians is that many Christians don't see people as people, only as points to be added to their Heavenly score card or bums they need to get into the pews of their churches. I think the key to putting away this horrible sin is to start seeing people-women and men, as Jesus Christ sees them. We need to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbour as ourselves. When a Christian truly does this, it helps with the sin currently under discussion as well as so many others.

AlsoAs for your debates with Ron Jeremy, part of me hopes he gets saved, but most of me says that Jew-boy's got too good of a deal going.

Alex Horton

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